Showing the uses of summoner Lily Shieldpaw in Battle

One of the summoners I use the most in Splinterlands is Lily Shieldpaw, this summoner is perfect for my strategy of relying on a powerful Frontline to win the battle.
Today I will show you how I use Lily Shieldpaw in my battles and how she can be a perfect choice depending on the monsters you use for the battle.

Link to the Battle

The battle above is a good example for me to demonstrate how this strategy can be incredibly powerful in battles and how it will increase your win rate in Splinterlands.
To start, I will explain how Summoner Lily Shieldpaw works.
Lily Shieldpaw - This summoner from the dragon deck will increase the life of all my monsters by +1 and will grant them the ability Camouflage.
  • The Camouflage ability will make my monsters be targets only when they are in the first position, except against monsters with the Scattershot ability since they attack randomly.
  • Lily Shieldpaw has the Triage ability and this means that she will heal my backline monster that suffered the most damage by 1/3 of its maximum life.
Now I will explain which monsters I used in this battle.
Baakjira - This was the monster I chose to defend in the first position, it has no attack but has very useful abilities to defend itself and survive such as Void and Heal.
  • The Void ability makes Baakjira only take half the damage against magical attacks.
  • The Heal ability makes Baakjira heal by 1/3 of its maximum life once per round.
Angelic Mandarin - This monster has a ranged attack and in addition to causing damage, it will be useful with its Triage and Silence abilities.
  • The Triage ability causes the Angelic Mandarin to heal the monster in the backline that suffered the most damage by 1/3 of its maximum 1x per round.
  • The Silence ability causes the Angelic Mandarin to reduce the magic attack of my opponent's monsters by -1 while he is in battle.
Chaos Dragon - This is a monster with a powerful magic attack and in addition to causing damage, it will be very useful with its Blind ability.
  • The Blind ability causes my opponent's monsters to have a +15% chance of missing their attack while the Chaos Dragon is in battle.
Deeplurker - This is a monster with a powerful melee attack and in addition to causing damage, it will be useful with its Opportunity and Demoralize abilities.
  • The Opportunity ability causes the Deeplurker to attack the enemy monster with the lowest health.
  • The Demoralize ability causes the Deeplurker to reduce the melee attack of my opponent's monsters by -1 while he is in battle.
Merdaali Guardian - This is another monster with no attack but has very useful abilities such as Tank Heal, Repair and Strengthen.
  • The Tank Heal ability makes Merdaali Guardian heal my monster in the first position by 1/3 of its maximum life 1x per round.
  • The Repair ability makes Merdaali Guardian repair up to 2 armor of the monster that suffered the most damage to its armor.
  • The Strengthen ability makes Merdaali Guardian increase the life of my monsters by +1 while it is in battle.
Merdhampir - This monster has a ranged attack and its main function is to cause damage and reduce the maximum life of the monsters it hits with its attack.

With this strategy I have a strong defense in the Frontline and Backline and you can be sure that your opponents will have a lot of difficulty breaking your defenses and defeating your monsters.
I think it's my favorite strategy in Splinterlands because my win rate with it is high and because I find it very fun to watch battles with this strategy.
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