(..the ones I get precisely to burn around the house and part of the tree from they come from..)
(..here it is..)
..slightly closer?!..
(..or a closer crop?!..)
..tree eyes..
(..also Fibonacci can be found? Everywhere..)
..Pterodactylus tree..
(..because no dinosaurs..)
..Eucalyptus tree..
(..You can see in the floor "my" open stash of leaves..)
..new sprout..
(..so many years climbing trees, walking amongst them, observing, smelling, interacting, and only now noticed how an Eucalyptus sprout look like..)
..different focal points..
(..there was a breeze moving the leaves, so I took another photo..)
Photos shot w/ FUJiFILM FinePix S4000
Photos edited w/ GIMP · GNU Image Manipulation Program Software