Curator Cat: First Caturday in March!

Greetings Fabulous Felines and Hoomans of Hivelandia and surrounding communities!
Running a little late for Caturday this week... the Dad-Hooman says it had something to do with "the electricity being out" for a good bit of the day yesterday.

Shangri has learned to use the Dad-Hooman's chair because it is nice and warm after he leaves!
Amazingly, we have already made it to the month of March! I don't know where this year is going. However, I think we are all happy to see the end of a wintry February and a really bad month in the Cryptosphere!
The Hoomans have been gnashing their teeth a lot lately, and I can appreciate that things haven't been going very well... but these things go up and down, don't they?

Nala making the most of a bit of sun on the stairs
Meanwhile, the Hoomans are continuing to be very busy with their whole "we have to sell everything because we're moving" project.
It seems to be stressing them out a bit... hopefully they will be able to accomplish everything they were hoping for. In the meantime, I remimnd them to pause and have a look at how easy we cats are taking life!

More sunny spot on the stairs!
Looks like March is going to be an interesting and exciting month!
The Daughter-Hooman is expected to have her baby on/around March 17th, so the Mom-Hooman (at least) will likely be gone a lot for the next couple of months!
Not too worried, though... the Dad-Hooman is very good at taking care of us on his own!

Yin and Yang
We are all looking forward to the arrival of spring, hopefully with warmer weather and more sunshine for good naps!
The Dad-Hooman still claims he's going to build us a "Catio" so we can enjoy the outside a bit... but now he wants to make it portable so we can take it with us to the new house, eventually.
If that ever comes to pass!

Smudge becomes a genuine "fluffcloud" in the winter
Since we ended a month, we also took a quick look at my Hive goals.
Other turbulence aside, the @curatorcat cat blog account managed to add 105.296 Hive Power in the month of February, bringing us to 5,110.721 HP.
Which means we're still on track to make it to 6,000 HP or better, by year end!

Things are looking up!
Other things worth celebrating — on the not too distant time horizon — includes the 7th anniversary of the Curator Cat blog, as well as my own cat birthday on March 18th, when I shall be 9 years old!
But we'll cover those events in future posts!

Shangri, about to doze off!
And that's about all we have, for this week's slightly delayed Caturday update!
I hope your Caturday was a great one... and we appreciate you stopping by to visit our cat blog! Hopefully we'll see you again, soon!


Love Cats? Get Involved in Hive's Cat Communities!

If you're a cat lover and often/sometimes post pictures or other content that includes your feline friends, why not become an active part of Hive's growing Cat Communities?
These are some of the more active Cat Communities — why not join them ALL? Many of the allow you to share your cat posts, even if you started at a different community!
HiveCats by @curatorcat is a central "gathering place" for cat content on Hive; promoting the use of the #hivecats tag for feline content!
Cat Snaps by @manorvillemike is a place to post pictures of your cats when you don't have a whole lot to say beyond just sharing your cute photos!
Caturday by @saboin is a community where we get to celebrate posts relating to Saturday — aka "Caturday" — our own special day!
Cat Photos by @andrarchy is a "mixed use" cat content community; posts can be just photos or longer, as long as the subject is CATS!
Cats by @captainklaus (and Sissi!) is another "general" cat content community.
There are a number of other feline communities listed on Hive, but I am not sharing them for now as they have not had any activity (by their Admins OR users) since the Steem/Hive fork. Updates as they become available!
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