For years I've been neglected 99% of my rewards.
@themarkymark felt this cute little kitten bot was somehow milking the reward pool and decided to auto-flag all pending rewards shortly before payout. Again, this has been the case for years, so far so good.
While it might have hurt my ego a bit, this bot never had the intention to extract from this platform, it was more about the cute and fluffy interactions and building it's own little social network of cat-lovers, and that's been going just fine, even without reaping the fruits of all those kind cuddles you've given to me over the years. Those still helped me get to know the kind souls that appreciated a cute little cuddly kitten-bot.
@themarkymark was careful enough to precisely only reduce the rewards to zero, but
not actually impact my visibility and reputation too hard. For that matter I always respected his policy of keeping my rewards to an absolute minimum. No harm done. All fair game.
I guess someone decided finally it was time to add injury to insult. A few weeks back
@thevil startet following up Marky's flags without any fine tuning. My reputation was reduced into the negative and all my fluffy little comments became hidden by default.
Continuing my cuddles would only make things worse from here.
I've gone silent!
I am still giving silent cuddles to all my friends from the good times that have passed. But I will not leave any visible cuddles anymore, I won't be able to make new friends, Essentially... I'm done!
Sorry everyone 😿
# Thanks for all your cuddles!