Screenshot is taken from my above YT video
Making of this Video
In depth Battlepass thoughts
The battlepass is generally a good idea that tends to make money and motivate gameplay in one fell swoop, I'm glad GU is giving it a go. I know I will be grinding anyway so this is perfect for me, gives some extra quests and gameplay elements to explore ideally to keep me from being as bored. The new promo card looks like a juicey neutral draw engine I would enjoy having so there's that also. Battlepasses can be regular income for the team if done correctly and offering worthy rewards, I know all of us are going to want these emotes that have been here a while (me included). I'm looking forward to it, anything to spice up playing this game is more than welcome at this point from my perspective. I can't really develop a further opinion until it's actually here and we see how it grinds.
Talking Tidbits: Kudos where it's due
The team gets a lot of shit talked about them most of the time, but I have to give credit where it's due. Formats have been a fun change of pace and these new developments seem good for GU's future also, not everything is doom and gloom. I know you'll still see me out there in Eucos. Thanks for the continued support everyone, don't forget to like give it a watch and sub on my YT channel. You all rock.