Greetings from the Splinterlands! During the recent maintenance we did to improve game performance, we took the opportunity to release a whole batch of small fixes & some adjustments in response to player feedback on Brawls 2.0. Here's a short summary of the changes:
- Made Brawls intro animations a bit smaller and slightly reduced the volume of associated sound effects.
- Added user setting to toggle Brawl animations on/off.
- Fixed POWER bar on battle history screen back to its original blue-ish color.
- Guild members screen will now only show the most recent 100 items for blocked / join requests / invites. This will make management easier for Guild Officers & Leaders.
- Added a "remove all" button at top of JOINED column for the guild members screen, to remove all outstanding requests at once, as a convenience feature for those guilds that are getting overwhelmed by join requests.
- Fixed bug that awards DEC when there is a Draw in ranked battles (now there is no DEC given to either player in that case).
- Added filters for SPS balance history tab.
- Made Merits distribution proportional to how many flees there are (no longer all or nothing like it was previously; more details on this below).
- Altered guild building contribution rules so that Arena / Barracks / Store can have DEC contributed during all phases of a Brawl (just can't actually level up until Brawl is over).
- Fixed issue with loading USD prize values when creating tournaments from a pre-existing template.
- Made entry fees required for tournaments. It is no longer possible to create a tournament with FREE ENTRY.
- Tournaments now have a hard cap of 1000 entrants (even when created without a cap explicitly set).
Here's more details about some of these:
Merits Distribution
For a refresher of what Merits are and how they are calculated, please refer to this post:
Previously, Merits were only awarded to guild members who entered all teams for their Brawl. This led to some player concerns about losing Merits due to accidental flees caused by system issues and whatnot. So the distribution algorithm has been amended as follows, effective from the current ongoing Brawl:
Full Merits will be awarded to guild members who submit teams for at least 75% of their Fray battles. If you submit less than 75% of your battles (i.e. more than 25% are flees), then the amount of Merits you receive will be reduced proportionally.
Let's look at some examples. Say your guild won 30 Crowns in a 2 Star Brawl and has a level 3 Store.
Then total Merits per guild member = (30 x 500 x 1.4) / 16 = 1312.5
So each of the guild members who fully participate (enter all teams) will receive 1313 Merits (rounded to the nearest whole number).
This chart shows how many Merits you would receive under different circumstances:
Note: you don't get penalized if your opponent flees and you automatically get a win. That counts as a submitted team for your Merit Reward. Also, if you don't have any battles because no other guilds filled your Fray, you still get full Merits as a reward for defending an empty Fray.
Turning off Brawl animations
Some players have expressed a preference for skipping Brawl intro animations. Well, now you can! Simply toggle this new setting:
Guild Member Management
Popular guilds these days are dealing with hundreds, and even thousands, of join requests. Lucky you! We recommend switching your guild settings to Invite Only if you are having trouble keeping up with the requests. If it's getting too overwhelming, you can now delete all pending requests in one fell swoop with this new button visible to Guild Officers & Leaders:
This works for the BLOCKED, JOIN REQUESTS, and INVITES columns.
And that's it for now. I hope you are enjoying your journey in the Splinterlands, and look forward to facing you on the field of battle!