It’s such a Happy Monday!
I am so excited to introduce to you the Love Brunnies (bros + bunnies). They are the sweetest and cutest sibling trio you’ll ever meet ☺️. They are so special that this entire post is dedicated to sharing their story.
This is the origin of how they came to spreading love and giving hearts on Valentine’s Day.
Big brunny is always taking care of the younger. You’ll always see them sticking close together, having fun and sharing the joys of life. It’s truly amazing how close knit they are.

Even though all seemed good and well the brunnies felt an emptiness inside. They knew something extremely important was missing in their lives.
They didn’t know exactly what this void was but they knew it made them feel glum and colorless. Big brunnie held his bros close and assured them he would get to the bottom of this and find what they were looking for.

So off he went to find that missing piece to reverse their color fade and make them fully whole. What could it be? What could possibly complete them?
A few days later, big brunnie made a huge discovery that would change their lives forever. He discovered exactly what they needed to spread love and happiness to others. They would be able to put smiles on people’s faces and make them feel special.
As soon as he found these loving Valentines hearts he immediately felt full of color and completely whole. He couldn’t wait to share this wonderful news and gift with his sibs.

After sharing about his discovery he distributed a heart to each of the brunnies. They too felt rejuvenated and warm on the inside. It was as if they had found their true purpose and was ready to fulfill it.
They began discussing how to share their hearts with others so that they too could feel special, warm and loved.

It was decided that every year for Valentine’s Day each brunny would lend themselves to someone in need of feeling special. They will know exactly where to go because the hearts they carry are pulsating hearts which helps guide the brunnies to their people.
Since V-Day is just a couple of days away they set off to find their persons to make it in time.
These love brunnies are spreading love wherever they go 💗.
Will they arrive at your doorstep?

I had so much fun making these. This is my participation for our current contest;
NeedleWork Your Valentine. This is the last day for entry.
As I was crocheting these bunnies this story popped into my head so I knew I had to take several photos before sewing the hearts into their hands. I don’t get to crochet as often as I used to so I literally took a whole 3 weeks to get this done (the crocheting and photography). I enjoyed every moment of it ☺️.
My family enjoyed the process with me too. Every time I added a new feature to them they would get excited. I will be giving these to my family.
This brunny will be given to my sister. She’ll be able to place him on her work desk…

Baby brunny belongs to my daughters. They will place it in their room on the dresser to share…

Finally, this one will be staying with my sons…

They all would like their own but unfortunately I don’t have the time to make several of them. On top of that amigurumi is a bit tough on my hands due to having to make the stitches so tight. I think sharing is caring and everyone will still be able to enjoy them 😁.
One of the things that drew me to making them was the fact that they could stand on their own. I loved that because it made it easier to stage them for the story and photoshoot. The trick was using their tails…

I sewed them low enough to where it looked normal but when they were facing the camera I pushed their tails down to help them balance. Very clever idea and I give the
pattern credits where it’s due.
Before we end, here’s a quick glance at the process:
Start of the legs

The body

Head, stuffing and first ear done

I hope I was able to put a smile on your face with these Love Brunnies! It’s fun being able to run with your ideas as you create.
The name for them and the story line came to me all while I was working on them and I was so excited to put it all together. I felt like a kid in a candy store as I was setting up the stage and positioning them for the camera 😄. It’s so important to have fun and enjoy doing what we love.
I’m looking forward to seeing the final entries coming in today for the contest. I am so glad I was able to join in the fun and I thank you for joining me!