Founder of #NeedleWorkMonday. Christ follower, wife, stay at home mom of five, homeschool teacher, crocheter, photographer, natural remedier!
After nearly eight years on Hive I am happy to say I am leaving on good terms. If you would give me this opportunity to share my heart and last thoughts with you, you will fully understand my decision. Meet Your Newest Life Coach
…all of the Legos in my house would be gone by the year 2026!That’s the solution. I have a brilliant plan that will save one foot at a time.Oh now don’t give me that look. If you’ve ever been around kids with legos you know how it feels to step dead smack on one. It ain’t fun and it sure don’t feel good.
It’s such a Happy Monday!I am so excited to introduce to you the Love Brunnies (bros + bunnies). They are the sweetest and cutest sibling trio you’ll ever meet ☺️. They are so special that this entire post is dedicated to sharing their story.
This is our second year doing this photography gig. We’re grateful they were so pleased with our work that they reached out again to have us do the job.Remember that homeschool co-op we joined? Unfortunately we weren’t able to join them again for this school year but we have kept our connections open. I am truly thankful for the opportunities that have opened from being a part of this group.
I’ve been looking forward to sharing this with you all. We have upgraded from our entry-level Cannon to a mirrorless touchscreen…the Sony a7IV.There is so much to learn about this camera and we haven’t even came close to getting into it all. I can already tell you that I am extremely impressed with the quality of the camera and the amazing options it has for us to use. This camera has a bit of weight to it which makes our first camera feel extremely light lol.
I wish I could say this year for me was full of ambition and completed projects but that wouldn’t be factual.I was inspired, intrigued by many ideas and drawn to a variety of possibilities. However, with my mind and energy being pulled in many directions by life happenings, the motivation just wasn’t there.