…all of the Legos in my house would be gone by the year 2026!
That’s the solution. I have a brilliant plan that will save one foot at a time.
Oh now don’t give me that look. If you’ve ever been around kids with legos you know how it feels to step dead smack on one. It ain’t fun and it sure don’t feel good.
Stepping on a Lego is THE DEATH of a FOOT.
Many never recover from this. We are constantly tiptoeing around the house to avoid it from happening again. Nightmares of giant legos haunt our sleep. Worst of all the legos are laughing at us every single time we fall victim 😒.
Now do you see why I don’t feel bad about “accidentally” sweeping them all up? 🤷🏽♀️
You didn’t realize they laughed? They are always plotting their next attack. They even vote on whether it will be the heel, toes, middle foot or side.
Man they love getting that heel. OUCH!!
I have lived with legos for the last nine years since our first son turned 3. After him we had two more sons who fell in love with them and even our youngest daughter plays with them.
We started off with the big fat ones, graduated to the regular sized ones and now we are here. Here is with thousands of little ones; some coming from Lego kits and others given to us.

At first the idea was adorbs. I loved that my sons loved to build individually and together as a team. I loved watching their creative minds flow and seeing what they would come up with next.
Well, that was until my feet numbed from stepping on these bricks. I’m so over the cuteness…THEY HAVE GOT TO GO 😤!
When we tell the kids to clean up there is always pieces left behind. There’s so many you can’t even see them all until it’s too late. Most of the time we find their missing pieces through pain.
Parents: AGHHHH!!
Kids: Yay you found it!
I figured if I get rid of them slowly the kids won’t notice they are missing. Just two at a time won’t make a big fuss right?
I started my plan last week. Here are my first two victims 😆😍🤩🥳😁👋🏽🥂

One tried to scare me but I didn’t care. Into the trash it went 🤣. If I stick to my plan they won’t have the chance to dominate.
I’m fighting for my rights to have feeling in my feet. ✊🏽
Once all the legos are gone we’ll help the boys find a new hobby. See, easy peasy. Everyone’s happy. 😊
I do have to be careful though. My youngest son saw me sweep one up and said
Hey Mama, you almost swept up part of my house I’m building.
He then bends down, picks up the lego and dusts it off.
I give him a side crooked smile and say
Oh geez! Glad you caught that.
Note taken. Only sweep when they’re asleep 😄👌🏽✔️.
I see. You’re now wondering if I will miss seeing all of their fantastic creations.
NOPE! I got that covered too. That’s what pictures are for. I even recently took a pic of this veggie burger eating monster they made…

When they want to look back on what they’ve built I’ll be glad to show them ☺️.
So, who stands with me?
Are we going to keep letting legos have their way with our precious feet? Will we let them dominate our dreams and laugh when we fall in pain? Aren’t you tired of tiptoeing through your house instead of walking strong and tall?
If this post or any of these questions have moved you it’s time for you to take a stand!
Repeat after me and save yourself from foot death:
*Saving One Foot at a Time ~*
Yours Truly,
@Crosheille ~