@actifit community, I'm once again bringing you my daily report with the steps taken from the
@actifit app. I hope you had a happy carnival holiday.
Today I got active very early, since every so often I have to accompany my dad to his medical appointment and today was one of those days. I agreed with my dad to go out early in the morning to pick him up for his appointment and I would let him know what shift it would be for him to come later. So we did, I left early in the morning, when I arrived there were already three patients ahead of me, we were shift number four.
While I was waiting for my turn and for my dad to arrive, I looked at the living room carefully and saw a tooth smiling at me. I decided to take a photo of it and noticed that it was smiling even more.

I went to the entrance to photograph a beautiful plant that had an abstract painting on the wall above, I tried to find the author but I couldn't. The maintenance lady told me that the plant is called Mother-in-Law's Tongue (a very peculiar name) and that it had arrived there because the doctor found it on the street since its owners had thrown it away. What a good decision because as you can see it is very beautiful.
There was a stopped clock that marked eight thirty, exactly the time that it was at the moment when I took the photo (very strange). Next to the clock there was a very nice painting that did not have the name of the author or it is not visible well.

Another slightly disturbing detail was this painting that was right in the office of the doctor who would treat my father, if it had the author's name at the bottom right(Zamila95)

As you can see, it is a painting where there is a doctor and a sick or dying person in bed and on the right side of the painting there is a somewhat dark figure that in this case is representing death on a dark background. The painting made me very thoughtful but I focused more on the bush and the tooth smiling at me.
My dad finally arrived, he was walking slowly because he has respiratory problems.

It was his turn and I went with him to the appointment, they gave him his respective medical check-up, they evaluated him and then I took him home, I took the opportunity to eat my mom's delicious lunch and head to the center of Valencia to get the medicines that my dad had been prescribed.
The trip was going to be long since many of the medicines are not so easily obtained in the country.
Once in Valencia I went around several pharmacies, I had to rest in the Plaza de Valencia, the sun was merciless; however, the square was beautiful as always; You can see the care taken by the authorities of the Valencia City Hall. A square where it is tempting to take photos and take photos of its surroundings.

Having rested, I continued the search for medicines and I was very lucky because I got all the medicines, relieved from the search, I took advantage of the fact that I was calmer and went to eat an exquisite passion fruit cone, very delicious and refreshing. Then I went to take the medicines to my father's house.
When I arrived at my father's house, I had coffee with bread that my beautiful mother made and waited until five in the afternoon to take my father to the CDI closest to the house so they could put in an intravenous ampoule (we had to take the ampoule, the cotton and the alcohol).
Once the errand was ready at the CDI, I took my dad to his house and headed to mine, where my beautiful children were waiting for me.
This is how another episode of my daily activity at
@actifit ends
Thank you for reading my post. Blessings to everyone and see you soon. Take care. Good health.