I almost forgot that today is the Leo Power Up Day and I have written my usual post. I just looked at the calendar and saw thar today is 15th and thus we have LPUD today. I have not missed any LPUD till now, and luckily I will not forgot it today as well.
It is the second month of 2025 and we have one more opportunity to grow our stake in Leo. Just like the previous months we can anticipate more number of powering up their LEO tokens and take part in this LPUD. The LPUD has started on 15th June 2022 and thus we have been powering up for more than two year and half now.
So on this occasion I have powerful up 200 Leo Tokens which is more than the last month power up and thus I have taken part in yet another Leo Power Up Day. I can proudly say that I have been powering up from more than 2.5 years and today I have more than 16.7K Leo powered up in my account and my goal is to get to the 25K before end of this year.
As you all know that I have set my Leo goals for 2025 for getting 25K LP by the year's end. So let's go through the update. So let's see how to reach the goal as soon as possible. And looking at the progress, it seems like it is achievable in this year time frame.
So to achieve the goal of 25K LP next year I need to get around 833 LEO per month or 416.5 in 15 days. Since today is the 15th of January and LPUD I have to get around 16249 and I have 16715 powered up, so the goal is completed. In the above table, I have also created the LPUD day because that is the day when we power up the LEO and see how well we are doing about our monthly goals.
So this month, I have powered up 200 LEO tokens to take part in another month of LPUD. I truly believe that whoever believes in LEO tokens should power up every month to take part in this initiative just like how I am doing it continuously from the starting. I try to be consistent with Hive Power Up Day and similarly I will also try to take part in Leo Power Up Day every month. And whatever I can have on the 15th of every month, I will power up and with the goals in mind will try to stretch myself to actually get to that goal.