the inside-out coat, nearing completion, from the backDearest Friends in Needlework – and the wider Hive Community,
the inside-out coat from the frontIs it just me, or is technology more rapidly failing, in general? Perhaps it was designed to crumble in precisely this way; methodically and precisely, leaving us flailing and more susceptible to outside ‘solutions’. Either way, this week has seen the two devices that I invested in, in recent years, fail epically, and I am now writing from @vincentnijman ‘s trusty old laptop, to get this post to you on Monday morning…
the reinforcement of fraying seams... long, slow handiworkActually, this has been a very productive week using the new sewing machine – once I’d wrestled it into submission - wishing at times that I had not invested in a new-fangled gadget like this (and instead, I suppose, had carried my beautiful old Brother machine by public transport back from Portugal!) – it was very hard to get it to run a straight line of stitches, and to not keep snapping the thread, and several parts of what I was trying to sew wouldn’t even fit under the tight presser-foot. It was most trying… and I swore at it a lot, lamenting as to why I had thought ‘a more technological machine’ was a good investment…

At some point midweek or so, it began to run properly. Just as well, or else I may have relegated it to the back rooms, to rust and become house to many insects over the decades. I got to sew at least 80cm or so of neat-ish stitching, which saved my worn-through middle finger – no: not from sticking my middle finger up at the machine – but from the needle head going into it myriad times, aiya! And my finger pad becoming too sensitive for hand-sewing. Pah.

Before that point, I got a lot done, between bouts of frustration and fatigue, and flinging the occasional sewing tool onto the floor. Incindently, Vincent is very good at supporting me, even when I get irate. Thank you, Beloved. He helps ground me, and reassures me that I’m going in the right direction – making progress. And I Am; in fact I’m pretty close to finishing two major coat projects, and both of them are quite impressive, even if I do say so. They are coats that I would wear, and which I’ve never seen anything quite like – which in Italy is not the most sought-after clothing (folks here love to be fairly conventional/ conservative!) – but there are plenty of folks who have been following my art and creations over the years, and who admire/ covet my style… Just a matter of time before I have an actual clientele wanting my clothing! 🥰🙏🤗👑💖🥳

The reinforcement of Stefania’s mustard blanket coat is going well; I managed to bias-binding around and along the sleeve seams, then I got stuck into (i.e. working hard on) the bottom edging and other loose weaving – the original blanket was quite a loose, woolly kind of a thing, and cutting it up left some serious fraying… It was good fun trimming all that fray drama, and neatening the edges, like I used to draw with pen or pencil around figures in my paintings.
I also had the additional task of making a belt for the blanket coat. It has a nice shapely curve to the waist already, but really needed something to hold it neatly in the middle, giving it balance and elegance: making it more complete.
note: the mock-up of the belt in position here, looks much bulkier than the final one will beI am using scraps from the original blanket, sewn into a length, then backed with a length of another fabric which was donated by a sweet neighbour: I cut the second fabric in half, and sewed it into the length of old blankie; they fit quite nicely, and I intend to add a wide black elastic detail at the fastening, taken from a belt that I never use, which will allow a bit of give-and-take in the coat. This means that it can be worn with various layers under it. Or be looser when one goes out for a large meal (as is the norm in south Italy!) and has to accommodate a full pancia. 🤗
I was waiting a few days for the precise measurement of the pancia to be accommodated, and now can get on with the finishing of the belt… and the long, slow hand-sewing of the seams reinforcements.
the belt in progress, for the blanket coatAnd the finishing of the second coat – this has NOT been a week of completion on that score, either! – but I am absolutely motivated to get it done – even if the machine is not in agreement.
the backing of the belt for the blanket coatWish me well! And if you’re interested, my new podcast series began yesterday with an episode on ‘The Art Of Life – a new leaf’ – something of a reintroduction to my lifework, and speaking to freedom, sovereignty, life fulfilment, whole health, natural law and suchlike… Tune in via
The Art Of Life by Clare. over on Spotify or
via the great decentralised platform of Fountain podcasting.May the road rise up to meet your feet, today and always, friend!