
the sandstone quay, corrie, isle of arran in scotland

Dearest Friends of Hive and beyond,

If we have the blessed fortune to be relatively comfortable where we are, should we by default wish to always remain there? (Should we just sit still and be grateful??) Is this the highest achievement we can hope for in life? Is it invariably better to ‘not gamble’ with change, and to cling onto whatever joy and nutriment we can glean from around us, staying even where there are glaring incompatibilities?

sannox, isle of arran in scotland

Or may we always be seeking growth, expansion, more of what we are enjoying currently; higher vibration, further abundance, greater autonomy…. Divine Co-Creative Sovereignty, perhaps??

looking along corrie shore on the isle of arran
Our present cultural narrative would certainly have something to say in regards to @vincentnijman and I’s discourse around change, options and possibilities. We have been musing slowly, not quickly, about where we should be rooted, where we can be building a happy future. We have put our toes into various new locations, properties, dreams and visions. Our symbiosis has solidified, become more tangible: our bullet points line up, and we are gently, methodically, moving into a realm of fully shared lifestyle.

our first weeks together back in september
In fact, we just celebrated our six month anniversary: we have been together day and night - barring a few hours here and there, out with friends or on a long solo walk - since we met in the flesh on the 4th September 2024. We are rarely more than a couple of meters from each other. It is the kind of proximity that might’ve brought up all kinds of crazy in previous relationships (for both of us), but we appear to have been gifted a kind of immediate closeness that usually only comes much later in a rapport – perhaps after decades of living side by side. Or in a twin relationship, whilst in the womb!

and in the wilds of portugal's mountains in december
Our closeness is full and fulfilling, and it is the most real, awakening, pleasure-full quality of being that I have ever experienced – a clear signal from the Universe that we are meant to be together, and that we have work to do side by side. We ruminate about what our work together might be, and where it might take place. How much further will humanity fall into psychosis and self-destruction – and how long can we sustain a relatively free lifestyle, amongst conventional folks? Do we ultimately want to go all-in with wild living and being self-sufficient? And if so (very likely!!), how wild do we want to go?? And am I still fertile, so can we bring children into the world? If not, what do we do with our vision and vitality, downloads and inspiration, instead? How long is our health going to be good? Can we improve it by simply moving to wild nature, and how soon can that be achieved?

our spanish minibreak with vincent's brother

Our volcanic co-creativity needs a container, and it needs an outlet/s. At the same time, we both need varying degrees of respite from the harshness of conventional living, and perhaps one or both of us needs to be in a place where they can let go completely and immerse in the elements, to be able to heal.

views from and below the arthouse, guardia sanframondi
We have a (very!) functioning container of the Arthouse, in this eccentric medieval quarter and community, where we look out onto a small wild corner of the valley, and across it to mountains and sky. We have access to local shops that meet almost all of our needs – bar my 50c secondhand clothing obsession, which is just a 20 min bus ride away) - and we can even find bearable-if-inferior alternatives to our growing our own food. Plus we can forage the untamed wildness below the old town, and buy produce that is locally cultivated very small scale. There are myriad options around eating out, with artigianale foodstuffs that would suit even the most snob-issimo of palates. We have a gas bottle and a phone shop in town, butchers, loads of bakers, and a merry selection of bars (which also sell coffee and snacks). There is literally everything here in Guardia Sanframondi, BN that an average citizen would want...

the stucco arch and buddha behind our kitchen

But we are not even close to average, and we want very different things than the median do. We follow signs, dreams, the shared vision that we have cultivated all our living days (and which now is merging and fermenting beautifully!) - rather than following dollars/ our boss/ an agenda or routine and/ or other peoples’ ideas or choices given.

one of my favourite photos of the view from the house
We follow The Way: being fully present in the Everymoment, and working from our sentience; the holistic, living wholeness of seeking good outcome: we seek in every moment that we are breathing, to bring the highest vibration to each and every situation that we find ourselves in. We do not consent to any systems, external ‘authorities’ or timetables that seek to limit our behaviour, our creativity, or our energetic growth.

And this being the case, it is not a straightforward decision around What To Do Next!

So much of what we are living through as a collective (globally) in this lifetime is about revelation; it’s about the mechanics of what we have been participating in, being revealed in their entirety.
It is thus a time in which many of us are waking up to recognise that almost every area of organised life has been conspiring against our wellbeing. Some of us knew this from the earliest years of our lives, but some are being thrown in at deep right now, in realisation after realisation that governments, institutions, corporations and agencies have been working collectively to feed off of that which should be inalienably Ours: our health, our education, our spirituality, our freedom, our power, our energy.
Our very Vital Force has been commodified and packaged and sold – for crumbs – and the Real Health, Wealth and Happiness has been reduced to a VERY POOR substitute (which increasingly more of us don’t even get access to).

altilea near sepino, italy
So our discerning when and where to move (to), hinges on all the factors, and on none: it depends on what we feel, when we feel it. Nothing more, nothing less.

up in the mountains in portugal
It will unfold from the signs, the subtleties, the seasons – and from how we feel in relation to them. It will depend on how the society we live in presently responds to what is revealed to it – and on how healthy (or not) that reaction is.

the sannox burn, isle of arran
We live in such dynamic and precarious times, where precious few of us are consciously building a world that will endure, based on the deepest values and the highest vibration (that we are able to manifest in the current). For sure we would love to be around others that are aligned as we are, and to be less around those who are tied too inextricably to the old ways, ‘the crumbs’ and the ‘less than’.

altilia near sepino, italy
As Vincent and I prep to go out for our six month anniversary celebratory dinner, I feel like I’m reaching a new level of Trust in life – and in the Universe: that we will find our Eden, and our More: our peace, our autonomy, our harmony-with-all-things, our children, our community, our garden and wilderness, our Right Relationship with the Highest Law That Is; our Right Place in the Natural Hierarchy Of All Things.

holly branch, sannox beach, isle of arran
Our path is already rich with what we have harvested, and the paving of it solid with What We Know.

shell seeming to reflect the landscape, sannox, arran
Equipped in this way, it is (relatively!) easy to make one step each day, towards Better. And this will accumulate eventually, into a pathway towards somewhere new, in which we can flourish even more than now.

Thank you for reading my words, and I wish you All The Love beneath you and above you, in front of you and behind you, and by your sides; may the earth rise up to meet your feet.

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