

Hallo Fellow Frustrated Hivers!

I’ve had a conversation going on for some time with my Wirex account ‘customer services’ folks – or perhaps one ‘folk’ in particular, who seems to be taking my cease & desist and statements of Sovereignty badly, and has now blocked my card and moneys.
It may stem from emails I wrote some months back, when we were in Portugal, about changing my address via an autonomous declaration of where I was living. Since making the request, we decided not to settle in Portugal, and returned to (my previous home) in Italy. So there is no issue, ultimately, in changing addresses.
Though at the time I was responded to relatively positively, that I may simply put in writing my living ‘status’, and asking for clarity they gave me the format that it should be in: the usual; street, number, town, etc.
But since the request I made for the correct format, I’ve had an escalation of intrusive and very presumptious queries into my life, movements, work and suchlike. Including multiple direct requests for my new address. Which obviously I do not have. We returned to Italy in good timing, even if I do not consent to be under the jurisdiction of European norms about how long one may travel to another country without giving a new address…. I received again and again aggressive emails demanding new address, and asking me how long I would be in Portugal!
This trespasses on many counts, which I informed them (Wirex) of, and asked them to back off and respect my privacy. What information does a corporation require of someone earning vastly below the minimal wage, and moving very small sums of money about?? Of course, they do not need any additional information from me: they have ALL the info they’ve requested, and they do not have any justification in stopping my card.
But in Real Time and in the harmony of my life, this blocking creates a significant rift, which makes me (AGAIN) question why I prioritise banking as a source of ‘stability’ or even ‘freedom’, when it is encroaching on my privacy, independence, peace...
Today’s refused card in the coffee shop, and my being unable to withdraw money from a cash machine, if it were not for my Beloved being by my side, would have created an extreme physical, mental and emotional reaction. And today it certainly got a couple of expletives to issue unconsciously from my mouth. But it had a temporary negative impact, which, after getting it out of my system by writing complaints to Wirex and chopping bamboo in the rain, I am now relatively free of.

The steps we take into Sovereignty mean something: we do not have to stay in those ‘states’ of tension, fear, contraction or contracts with corporations; we can as easily step out of a relationship that is holding us back, as to step further into it.

This is always where we are conditioned to recoil: when it is intimated that we are doing something wrong, by being punished or restricted in any way, it can truly alarm us. It can set off racing heart, frowning forehead, angry outbursts, kneejerk reactions of defensiveness or even attacking in return. Especially if we have deeply-ingrained trauma from having been taken advantage of in previous situations (particularly during our primal period and throughout our codependent years with parents and in schooling. We are ultimately reacting just as we might have done as children or babies: we cry, we lash out, we try to protect ourselves. And we are conditioned very strongly by cult-ure to comply in the end, even if we do complain about it, resist it initially, or refuse at first.

So what happens when we don’t eventually comply?

I can only speak to my own private experience, but whenever in my life I have refused to be subjugated, to comply to effects that are taking my Rights or my harmony from me, I find a particularly expansive energetic opening-up in the fabric of reality in front of me. NOT a woo-woo state of dreaming. NOT a denial or a blinkering of what is going on around me (which might lead later to disaster unfolding). A quiet truthful feeling of Rightness, which tells me that a beautiful solution will be forthcoming.
This Faith is not easily earned. To Know that all will end well, we have to have some wider comprehension of what is actually going on: why are the banks and Apps claiming the power to judge us and convict us, to punish and penalise us? What are they working towards in the longterm, if it is not to be better services for us all?
This is already waaaaay too much to unravel in a post on Hive, but suffice to say that I have been asking these questions for decades now, and the answers are somewhat disturbing. In the end, I am conscious enough to not want to be funding tyranny, particularly my own! And in the end, I Know enough about chopping wood and carrying water, permaculture design and subsisting without a mains electricity account, paperwork and unpaperworking – to be capable of removing myself from the path of this agenda that is so very rapidly unfolding. I Know that another path exists: the Right Way, and that it is not just my moral duty, but my spiritual imperative to obey.
I Know that taking the easier path of submission, which will always lead to ‘losing’ my Rights (clue: they are embodied, and cannot be ‘lost’), or temporarily getting entangled in controversy (it appears as though complaining on Wirex causes more aggression on their part) – none of this can bring my life into drama, unless I welcome the drama, and unless I unconsciously act from fear and insecurity.
If I keep on Right path, even if no solution is available in that moment – even if it seems like a big, scary, empty void is opening up in front of me – and even if my body is thrumming with exhileration at the threat of not having money…. I am Free, and will continue to be Free. And the world will rise up to meet me, even if I have to revert to intermediate technologies and bartering and payments in kind sort of transactions!
Money has been an intense subject for me all my life. My early interactions with it were tainted by violent reactions and harsh shaming from my mother in particular, then later as I went out into the world, by grossly-oppressing negative mantras from my dad. Society seemed to poopoo my creative aspirations from the beginning, and despite my having a powerful independent success as an artist, my accumulated wealth always seemed to dribble out of my fingers like sand.
Learning about fiat currency, and how our creativity and sweat equity is drained from our vital force, as we are steered into ever-decreasing circles of activity, I naturally gravitated towards a general No to any kind of conventional employment. We have such epic collective mind control about things like ‘not being employed’: it is presumed that we are raking in cash somehow, because any (conventional) lifestyle is expensive. Supposedly. There are VERY few examples in mainstream of folks not living in boxes in every sense. In every aspect of a typical modern life, there is paperwork, coin and note, debt and profit. It is presumed that there is nothing outside of that safe, secure pen of the prescribed, societally-designated container. It is a cage, but it is seen as ‘freedom’.
I kind of relish the confrontation with forces that don’t recognise our Sovereignty, our Rights, and what is Right In Life. It is never the same; every time demands a new standing-up in me, and a correction of something that is not quite aligned – like a messy or stagnant corner of Self that needs to be tidied and cleaned. If I am diligent, and if I discern what is My aspect of the work, rather than blaming the other party, rather than putting huge efforts into retaliating… Something will shift. Something will make itself known, as an appropriate way forward, of meeting my actual needs and not my imagined or over-exaggerated ones.
To find a true solution, my ego has to be put in its right place - which is not leading the way – and I have to be open to learning, to growing, to becoming more mature and autonomous. If I choose at any point to veer away from my learning, growing, maturing, things will become less aligned. The further down my path into autonomy though, even a small step askew will only ever result in a minor mishap. My maturity keeps my spine erect and my feet firmly planted on the earth. My wisdom accumulated plus my fear-purged, equip me to work with my visionary imagination towards the life that I want to live – NOT the one being offered by society/ culture/ media/ etc.
And that’s that: there is still no reply from Wirex about my concerns, my complaints, the blocked card and my being unable to access my moneys – it is multiple hours since it first failed to work. The requests for further information keep coming. It is now Saturday afternoon, and there are unlikely to be responses until Monday morning. I am unable to buy my weekly weekend shopping at the market. I have no news about when or if my account might be unlocked. I am still in the dark about what the perceived problem (on their side) is.
My mind is clear though: I do not wish to use a ‘service’ like this, and to be in this kind of a conundrum. Vincent and I have an extra cold storage hardware wallet, which my BTC would be better served in. He has a bank card, and a (functioning!) Wirex card. We have HIVE and HBD. We have access to gardens and wild food all around us, firewood and water springs. In an emergency, I could even move some money (if my Wirex account gets unlocked) into my static Italian Post Office account…
In the meantime, I am off to clean these big bamboo poles, and to make a beautiful ladder for my sewing room, so I can tidy up some of the excessive fabrics that I have piled up there.


With Love, and wishing you all the most ease and harmony, moving into Sovereignty!

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