
Joined in 04, 2022
· a day ago

Good day amazing people of hive block chain welcome back to my blog is another amazing edition in the #hivelearners community.sourceA day, as we know or should know, has nothing more than 24 hours. And the philosophers and some others proved that time is just 23 hours and some seconds.Anyway, time, when unconsciously monitored, could move at an unexpected speed. I have wondered about making the last days of work not count, but a drop of antidote could bring healing. You never could tell when the half day could help accomplish something.Bringing this information down to the sceneries of this topic, if work days were just four.Then I would ask some little questions. First and foremost, what would be accomplished with the rest of the two free days and Sunday?Could the health of all be accommodated by the increased working hours in a day?sourceAs the day goes by, the strength through which individuals work will always deplete; it is naturally so. So if I’m commencing with the increase in working hours, I would say that is a whole lot, the little working hours or more working hours given to persons, some and man cannot keep to it, for this reason they give breaks, so they could be eased a little from the stress, talk more when there is a working hour increase, it would be intolerable for many, well, some would adapt to it. But believe me, at the first application of this rule, many might give up their ghosts because not all companies or industries would shut down on the rest of the three days of rest, though they would increase their working hours as well.Another thing that I discovered would exist during this period is that many would have their salaries slashed because many would offend due to grumbles, which would emanate as a result of stress, and there by no doing maximally that which ought

· 2 days ago

Good day, amazing people of the hive block chain. Welcome back to my blog. This is another edition of the #hivenaija community.sourceIf there is something my parents taught, it is how to speak to people. My parents made us understand that there are certain words that are worse than flogging and that sometimes some words that come out of our mouth can either bless or kill someone. Back then, if you ever spoke badly to someone, my parents would flog out the living hell from you. Growing up, I came to realise that it is not good to speak out of anger. Speaking out of anger is very painful. Words of the mouth are very powerful; the words that come out of our mouth are like glass; they're broken, and you can never fix them back. I am always careful of the things I say, especially when I am angry. I try my best to avoid speaking out of anger. If there is any moral code I don’t want to break, it is speaking out of anger.Most times, when I speak out of anger, I will be full of regret. My conscience will keep beating me until I apologise to the person. As humans, it is normal for us to get angry, but we should be mindful of the things we say at that moment so that we will not hurt the person. I try my best to walk out whenever I am angry so that I will not use harsh words. Whenever I am angry, I find it hard to control what I say. That is why I walk out when I am angry.sourceI can remember last month when I spoke to someone out of anger. I regret ever speaking in my angry state because the girl never expected it from me. I tried controlling my anger, but I couldn't. I had to speak to her in a way that really hurt her emotions.Use the secret she told me with confidence against her at that point i don’t care it is a secret that i promise her i will take to grave the moment i speak about it i get back to my sense

· 3 days ago

Good day, amazing people of the hive block chain. Welcome back to my blog.sourceToday, women play a very vital role in the STEM field. Women have passion for this field, and they are really going to do more for the country. Gone are the days when people thought that training a female child was a waste of money. Women are going into this field more than other fields because they really want to make an impact and show the world that the power of a woman should never be underestimated. The important of women in the stem field can’t be overemphasized.One thing about my gender is that whatever we bring out of our minds to do, we will do very well. We will put in our very best. Thank God, gone are those days when our fathers thought that training a female child was a waste and believed that every female ends up in the kitchen. It was not really nice the way the female gender was treated back then, which is why our mothers are not well educated.Thank God I was born in this generation. I am always happy to see women who travel into space, as engineers, graphic designers, website developers, and so on. I am proud of the women I am seeing in this generation. Will I say that the women are really taking over from the men? The way I see women in the STEM world, they will do a lot of things in the years to come. Back then, at the university, I had this friend who was the only female student in the engineering department. She was really outstanding. She was really passionate about her dream. Whenever I see her, I will hear her because of her courage. One day, I asked her why she decided to study engineering. Her answer was that she needed to show people who look down on women in the STEM field that women can study a STEM course. Any woman who is studying any STEM course is brave, strong, and c

· 3 days ago

Good day, amazing people of the hive block chain. Welcome back to my blog. This is another edition of the #hivelearners community.sourcecyber security. Technology existing in our generation is a blessing to us; it has made life very easy, fun, and amazing. The importance of technology can’t be overemphasized. But the rate of cybercrime is really alarming. According to my little research, 70% of the citizens are into cybercrime. The number of cybercrimes keeps increasing day by day.Currently, many people are afraid of social media platforms because the rate of cybercrime on social media is alarming. If there is something I am afraid of, it is cybercrime. I can remember receiving messages from scammers who only pretend to be friends, but in the long run, I discovered that the account had been hacked. There are many tricks for scamming people, so one needs to be very careful these days.sourceBelieve me, these guys are mean and always ready to attack anyone who falls victim to their tricks. I have been a victim of this scammer; it was not a fun experience at all. At that time, I was still in my first year at the university. It was a cool evening after a stressful lecture, and a message boomed into my phone from MTN that I had won a certain amount of money, that they were appreciating all their customers, and that I should click on the following link to claim my prize. I opened the link and filled in the necessary information that was required of me. and a code was sent to me. After some minutes, a number called me, saying that they were calling from MTN customer service and that I should call the code sent to me.I always see money as the root of all evil. I was happy that I was going to get a reward from MTN, but it never came to mind that they were scammers. I

· 4 days ago

Good day, amazing people of the hive block chain. Welcome back to my blog. It is my pleasure to have you all on my blog. When it comes to music genres, everyone has their own choice of music. If there is anything I love so much, it is music. I am ready to stay hungry just to buy data to download my music. sourceI grew up, and my dad loved listening to Raggae. Bob Marley was his favorite artist, especially the track "I am a Prisoner." My dad is ready to repeat that track over and over again. There is this joy that the music gives my dad, and that is his happiness moment. I always take advantage of that moment to ask him whatever I need.Back then, we needed to see me jumping up to the raggae. For you to enjoy raggae more, you need to be jumping up. I enjoy the moment of vibing with music with my dad. Music has been part of me since my childhood.Music is life; music has become part of my life. I can’t imagine life without music. The vibe coming from music is irreplaceable if there is anything that gives me joy and motivates me. Music has many genres, and they are all amazing. I am a lover of music. I am so addicted to music that I can’t go a day without listening to it. Even my friends realise how much I love music, and it comes from me.One thing that made me love music is that there are different genres such as pop, rap, afrobeat, and so on. Music lights up our souls.Music is a magical healer for me when I am down and feel like giving up my music will put me back on track. Music has really been of help to me; my life without music will be a living hell for me.I was no longer comfortable with the raggae because it was now outdated. I have to go for blue because it suits my personality.When it

· 5 days ago

Good day, amazing people of hive blockchain. Welcome back to another edition of the #hivelearners community. It was my pleasure to participate in this week's prompt. Topic 247: News.Growing up in a family where your mom is a journalist listening to different types of news channels, one’s is 7 p.m., everybody will leave whatever they are doing and rush down to the sitting room to watch news. For me, I always pray for 7 p.m. to never come because it was not fun at all sitting in the sitting room watching news with my parents, and during that period we will never make noise; the only sound you will hear is that of the person reading the news on television.sourceMost of the time, I pray for my parents to come back late so that I will not have to sit down in that sitting room listening to the news due to the nature of my mom's work. She is so addicted to the news, and she tries her best to make every member of the family love listening to the news more, especially when she is the one that sources the news.Little by little, I started picking up an interest in the news. My parents would always tell me and my siblings back then that information is power. If not for anything, listen to the news so that you will know what is happening in the country where you stay.My mom made me love listening to the news. I am ready to use all my time to watch different news channels. I'm not doing anything at home just to know what is happening within the country. I even buy newspaper to read news i become so addicted to news. Coming down to today's topic, I believe that every citizen should have the right to know how the affairs of the country are being run, not minding the effect it will have on the citizens. It is better that the citizens are in
