The Based Summer Book Sale is here again! Support your favourite authors and take a stand against woke message fiction by getting great books from new and emerging talent at $0.99 or free!Participating authors include Kyle Adams, Tony Andarian, M.D. Boncher, V.A. Boston, Henry Brown, Timo Burnham, Jacob Calta, Blake Carpenter, Matthew J. Carran, Paul Clayton, J.D. Cowan, Travis J.I. Corcoran, Theodore D. C. Cox, Milo James Fowler, Karl Gallagher, Shinichi Haku, Eric M. Hamilton, Frederick Gero Heimbach, Daniel Humphreys, Michael R. Kayser, Joseph L. Kellogg, Fred Key, L.S. King, Black Knight, Michael Lacoy, L. Jagi Lamplighter, N.R. LaPoint, David Lindsay, Frank B. Luke, Michael P. Marpaung, T.J. Marquis, Jim Melvin, Yakov Merkin, Richard Nichols, Chance Paladin, Matthew Olney, John Reilly, Hans G. Schantz, Kris Schnee, Richard Sezov, R.H. Snow, Steve Stark, Kalkin Trivedi, S.C. Vincent, David Vining, Eric Waag, Allison Wade, Thomas J. Weiss, Fenton Wood, John C. Wright…