👾👽We are Down to the final four in the IFC Finals👽👾



If you follow @ifc you know we had some pretty neat entries in Round 6 with the win going to @auminda for this image created by her husband.

picture by @b-art.photo
With this third round of the IFC finals the topic given to the final four was ufos and or aliens👽👾 The final four each seem to have their own ideas on aliens and ufos, as do we all. Take a look with me and find out soon who the final two will be!

design by: @artgirl
those are some great thought provoking reads!
I have no idea who will get the most votes, so far you ladies are making this hard to judge!!! I have since the beginning of this contest learned so much from you all, the further we've traveled down this road together the more enlightening it's gotten for myself and the rest of you I'm sure!

Question everything!!!!

if you have a spare 25 to 30 minutes i found this interview with George van tassel very interesting. He allegedly was contacted by human like aliens in the 50s and was the originator of , The Ministry of Universal Wisdom
The Congregation of Universal Wisdom is a religious order that believes in a Supreme Master of all levels in creation and all life of the Universe. It is the guide or principle by which all mankind shall aspire to live.
This is their core belief:
It is the belief of the members of the Congregation that the upheaval of morals and inferiority of human values have been the results of a departure of mankind from the ideals expressed by Universal Wisdom. This has resulted in a sick and decaying society whose redemption can only be brought about by a blending of Universal Intelligence with man's innate mind

👾👽pretty interesting reads...although I'm not a believer of all of these topics covered by the universal wisdoms belief system it is fascinating to say the least!👽👾

This video is a documentary trailer for the movie, Calling All Earthlings, which covers Van Tassel's discoveries. You can check out more on it here if you choose.
video source: YouTube

Thank you for reading and i hope you enjoyed the latest entries for the information finding championships finals!!! Good luck to you all and eyes to the skies!!! 👽
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