IFC: The Fall of 2364-Cryptopia Flourishes!

You see, Young Apolymask was not like the rest of the children of this world, he was always a dreamer. From the time he was able to open a book, you could find him out on the rocks outside of his castle, reading and learning new words. There would be times he would sit out in the rain just to hear the waves crashing into the stone wall beneath him. Nothing could drag him away from learning and finding information. If it was written, he had to know what it said.
One afternoon, the greatest storm he had ever seen was brewing in the near distance, the waves were crashing like never before against the old stone castle. In the doorway above him, his friends were shouting for him to bring it in. Of course, apolymask could not tear himself away from such a beautiful storm. He reached into his backpack and brought out his newest camera, and began snapping pictures of this wonderful storm.
Just as he was snapping the last of this awesome storm, he looked over to his favorite spot from childhood and noticed something carved into the rocks. Just then, he remembered his childhood dream of The Digital Castle. He ran over to the rocks and ran his fingers across this strange carving, questions were starting to erupt in his mind. Who else came down here? No one, not since he was a child. He sat on the rocks and went over all of the information he held in his photographic memory. Then he remembered seeing this image, but it was only a dream, wasn't it?!
Just on the other side of Cryptopia, in the city of Digita there was another storm brewing...
The sky was a bright and beautiful hue of blue that fine night in the Fall of 2364, when I first saw the oddest looking spaceship outside on the once deserted grass! This was like no spaceship I have ever seen. It had reminded me of something I had found on the Cryptonet years ago.
I ran over to it, and smelled the most pungent smell, I remember this smell very well. It reminded me of the Satoshi Berry juice we used to drink when I was a young girl. That sweet yet bitter smell. Just as I was reminiscing on the nostalgia of my childhood, the oddest looking creature advanced toward me from over the hills. I was not afraid, as I have seen some wild creatures in my time. The creature slithered down the hill and toward me ever so quickly. I would not show it fear. I was so engrossed by this wonderful being.
The creature started to ask me some questions about Digita! It said to me, 'Who is your creator!?' I of course started to tell it, "My creator, is that of yours!" Then the creature snarled and laughed, 'Oh, you mad child, we are not of the same creator!' I asked it, "What makes you think we are not, kind creature?" It started toward me quicker than before, and wrapped it's tentacles around my ankles, and started to move upward encompassing my body. It finally was face to face with me while I was quivering more than before. 'Do you know your creator? Do you know truly who your creator is? If you knew your creator, you would know then that you and I are not the same. I come from the Planet of Haijine and we are a different breed, thank you. We are not like you here in the land of Digita! You and your people think you can save this universe. I have news for you dear child. You will never stand a chance with us from Haijine! We have more SatoshiBerries than you could ever dream!' I still stood stong while this creature squeezed me tightly, with it's slimy tentacle. "You will never win, you could have ALL the satoshiberries in the universe, but we here in Digita are stronger than what you believe! We are not ever going to allow you or anyone else ruin what we have built here! If you would kindly, remove your slimy tentacle from around me now! I will show you what we here in Digita are made of!"
Just then, I hear the band of brothers from the land of Digita coming from behind the hills! The song filled the air, We are one, we are many, we are free, we are ready!
The Journey
Apolymask gathered his belongings to head back up to his friends. They had planned a trip to Digita, the city through the fog
@kryptocek runs toward apolymask calling his name! "Apolymask, Let's get on the path to Digita. There's been a message sent from charisma777 it was quite cryptic but @kryptocek solved it just as quickly as it appeared!"
Just as kryptocek announces the message apolymask shouts, "I got the perfect shot you guys!! Here, check it out!"
Kryptocek asks to get a closer look.
"Dude, do you see what I see in this picture? Please tell me those brownies we ate earlier were of "high" quality! Is that a f#@n alien??!!
Apolymask lets out a nervous laugh. "Uh, yeah, I guess it is. I had my timer set and wanted to be in the shot! Funny tho, there was nothing but the storm and the usual water coming to shore."
They each exchanged a perplexed look!! "Hey, I didn't know when I solved the puzzle that @charisma777 sent over from Digita, a pyramid would actually permeate from the ground below!" said grizzman.
@kryptocek calls @kryptocek to give him the latest information, "Yes, bashadow!!! A pyramid!!! Apolymask was down doing his usual dance! Taking pictures of the most amazing storm!!! When he showed grizz and I the shot he took, there it was plain as a satoshiberry!!! It seems to be a hologram of sorts! But there was also an alien, a gray!"
Bashadow tells kryptocek to hurry with this information they may just be running out of time!!!
@kryptocek relays the information to the others. In a panic; Apolymask, kryptocek and grizzman started gathering what they needed for their journey.
Along the way they find a few friends that are always ready to help In the sign of trouble! First, @davemccoy sees them and tells apolymask he just received a call from Digita! "Bashadow called me as soon as he closed his relay device! He tells me there's not much time, we must hurry they are in terrible, terrible trouble!"
"I know of a few who will help but we must go now!!!" says Dave, as he hurriedly pulled his journey cart.
The men continue on their journey to Digita. They pass a small village and pick up a few more messengers. @youhavewings, @youhavewings, @youhavewings-in, @youhavewings, and many others who loved gathering and sharing information. They all set off to find out what exactly was happening in the land of Digita!
*Back in Digita plushzilla stood back and watched as an alien grabbed charisma777 and began what seemed to be speaking, but it wasn't the familiar tongue plushzilla was used to. It sounded more like screeching. As plushzilla watched, charisma777 seemed to be speaking right back to this slimy being. Right when it started to squeeze the life out of her, she grabbed what looked like a pen. Plushzilla was confused at why she was grabbing her pen. Then he realized it wasn't a pen at all, but a Satoshiberry blow-pen! She somehow managed to bring it up and put all her strength in that breath, pthhfft. Plushzilla shouted to charisma777, "Hurry while there's time, that Satoshiberry juice may not keep him down long!"
Charisma777 ran to plushzilla "Did you hear that? He said they have more Satoshiberries than we could ever imagined in Haijine!!! This is exactly what we've needed plushzilla! I've called upon our fellow information finders to come quickly to help bring the satoshiberries back to Digita and hopefully we will be able to send some back to Cryptopia! The crops have been ruined and without the Satoshiberry juice the future of Cryptopia looks pretty dim!"
Just then plushzilla and charisma777 can hear the band of brothers and sisters from the land of Digita coming from behind the hills! The song filled the air, We are one, we are many, we are free, we are ready!
"Is this really happening?" asked a few of the others.
"Oh, thank you all so much for coming I've sent a message over to Cryptopia and we will have others to help! There is something wonderful happening here! These aliens come from the place called Haijine, that slimy guy over there says where he comes from they have more than enough satoshiberries!!! Our cropshere in Digita are not producing the way we would all like, would you agree?" asks charisma777. The crowd starts nodding in unison to answer the obvious question. "Well, our brothers and sisters from beyond the fog are on their way to help us gather as much as we possibly can! Are you with me!?!?!?!"
Just over the hill Apolymask and all of his council can now be seen! Everyone ready to go forward in this battle, not knowing the outcome yet ready to do what is necessary for their fellow man. Charisma777 brings apolymask over and explains there just might be a way to ensure the Satoshiberry crops strive once again!!!
Apolymask is ready to set out on this endeavor. Sharing the information with the others. Suddenly a ship arrives right over @apolymask
he sticks out his thumb to hitch a ride from the grey. Every one of the information finders from Cryptopia were saying, "It's true! He really can contact the grey. All those stories were just that, stories!! A great excitement came over everyone! Then, about 20 ships hovered above the crowd taking each and every one of them up.
"Wow! Look everyone! Look at all these satoshiberries! Sorry aliens from Haijine but we're going to have to confiscate these!!!" laughed kryptocek.
A couple of the Haijine were walking through the crop and noticed this massive group of humans. Charisma777 walls over to them and starts speaking in their native tongue. The larger of the two seemed to be laughing and charisma777 asks kryptocek if he had any of those wonderful brownies from Cryptopia she had only heard about. @kryptocek looking confused hands over the box of goodies.
"Here try these wonderful brownies."
"No, there's no satoshiberries in them, gross! Those things are no good for we humans from Cryptopia, nor The land of Digita. They bring us nothing but trouble!!! We are not ones that hate but those satoshiberries could rain down upon us and we'd be plagued. Ewww.... satoshiberries!"
The Haijine both eat their brownies and the large one begins to fall to his knees screaming in pain. The smaller one comes to his comrades side and falls over top of him.
"Alright everyone grab a bushel and get back on your ships we have to transport the plants quickly or they are lost forever! Any questions should be sent to kryptoceks relay device. @simplymike's garden needs a couple bushels to bring up the sbi for game nights!! We have to get back before the Haijine awaken!"
Everyone rushes through the crop and each person grabbed two bushels and entered their ships. One by one the ships begin to head back to Digita.
***All unmarked images are from www.pixabay.com/aliens
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