I miss my son, I love my child, I am the best thing he has and you have stolen him off a LIE. I can ask my son anything, I can help him understand what he is going through because I was there and know many who have. I do this for him and every child and parent that has had to be torn apart by the corrupt and dishonest practices and policies that ALL of you live by.
Also the people must know, they must see and take action against something that is hard to grasp and easy to dismiss. My son would be proud of me, we are brave and I am honest. My son has been neglected yet you dismiss this. THIS HAS DONE MORE DAMAGE THEN ANYTHING TO MY FAMILY. You have shown your hand and I know that you have all allowed yourselves to tear apart rather then restore families. Not a single one of you have done what is right in this case you all have discouraged me from using my rights.
And it is plain for all to see.
You have all committed a terrible injustice against my son and myself. I live daily in agony thinking of my son.You took away my son, my life and tried to take away my rights to stand up to you.There was no reason for the building to be locked down. So who's is telling you fools to do all these immoral things to a single father that was a great father. One witness was interviewed out of five yet Kris Janovcik presented it as a potential truth and he smirks as he talks about the one party consent law as if I cannot hold those accountable.
I will never I sign anything Kris Janovcik has authored. He is an immoral person yet presents himself otherwise. Also if his wife is connected to Dr. Enns family. Is this a conflict of interest?
Nobody else I asked knows ANYONE that has been denied 2 lawyers and then dropped by 1 a week before trial. Benji Greenberg was the one who dropped me even though I was confident I could win. I am the one who tells the most truth in this city the one who speaks truth even to those may become hurt by said truths. I am the only one who dared to speak up to everyone about the underaged cfs boys the fat cats and other sick fucks would sexually exploit.
And in turn at every availible opportunity corrupt practices were used against me.
Your own actions craft me your dishonest presentations of me have made me realize that ALL of you must change in order for the system to REALLY change. You have all done sooo much damage to me, my son, our family and other families in our city. The people must know, they must understand who, why and how we have become the city with the most kids in care in the western world.
My son will one day say, "that was my father look at what he did for us all."
Also why did Allison say the things she did about me to her client. This is a voilation of the privacy act a privacy act should protect a family not be used to protect dishonest people who use it to scare and silence parents that have had their kids their whole lives stolen from them. I want her fired if not well I will act accordingly non voilent of course. Many have been watching me and seeing the injustice step by step that has happened to my family watching me take hit after hit. Many asked and even begged me to stop, to give up. There are laws that citizens can use to empower themselves. I can use ALL of them. I am teaching many and we as free citizens stand against you. Why do you (cfs) use the services of tapper and cuddy? They defended serial pedophile Kenneth Anderson and Kris Janovcik has some odd connections and his wife is connected to the enns family. Why does Kris smirk as he shits on my rights? His brother has art that many investigators would consider satanic and most definitely occult.
You are all under the microscope now. People all over the world want to know EVERYTHING about you and your connections. Manitoba has the most kids in care in the western world. You are all responsible for this title, you are the main vector for pedophiles to sexually exploit the youth of are city.
We need a system that works. A system that only takes children from those children that are actually at risk. And lawyers that only deal in facts. It is not about winning a case when it come to these type of cases. It can only be about truth anything less is a serious injustice.
Such injustice has been happening for too long... And I will die before I kneel and capitulate. I would rather die speaking truth fighting as a free man then live the lie many of you do. (cfs or puppets)
I want your bosses email at every level of authority as is my right.