I lost my son, as he was stolen from me from the system off of lies and a complete lack of understanding of the type of father I am, the type of person I am.
I lost most my family, as they knew I did not do these things yet they did nothing but talk amongst themselves. They just watched as my son and my rights were taken from me.
I lost my rights, as they were taken from me by ALL those in the system that worked my case.
This includes Krysta Shaw, Sharon Cheung, Rob Rogala, Kris Janovcik, Jeff Kryger, Renee "santa" Feldschmid, the other Renee Feldschmid, Dr. Enns and their bosses.
I lost my financial stability after losing my funding mechanisms that empowered me.
My crypto dropped, my support dried up and my rent assist was taken.
I lost my home after losing my financial stability.
If I was a voilent or bad person or parent many would have been dead already as I know much about all of those who have commited this injustice against me and my son.
All I got left is my people online and in these streets. Some I hardly talk to but will never forget. I am setting up new accountablities to address homelessness.
Those that stand by and go along with policies that create homelessness better re-think their position as you will go down in history for what you are, what you've done and what you allowed to happen by not doing anything but watch.
Expect it...