Battle Mage Secrets: Amplifying Briar Patch with Grandmaster Rathe

This week, I'm sharing my game in Briar Patch ruleset using Grandmaster Rathe.
You can check out this BATTLE MAGE SECRETS Weekly Challenge link if you also want to participate.

Odd Ones Out
Briar Patch
Mana Cap: 32
Elements: Fire,Earth,Life,Dragon

This is a Odd Ones Out ruleset game so Only Monsters with odd Mana costs may be used in battles.
There are no special tricks for this ruleset, but having an idea of mana points of a few monsters helps in predicting what your opponent can and cannot use.

This is a Briar Patch ruleset game so All units receive the Thorns ability at the start of the battle. Enemy units that use melee attacks receive damage back.
Damage returned is equal to damage of the attacker divided by 2, rounded up.
Melee attack units with the Reflection Shield ability do not take damage from thorns.
The Amplify ability increases damage.

You may also watch battle here.

Summoner: Grandmaster Rathe
All friendly monsters gain +1 armor
All friendly monsters gain Void Armor ability
All friendly monsters gain Amplify ability

Pos 1 Monster: Chaos Agent
Dodge - Has an increased chance of evading Melee or Ranged attacks.
+25% Dodge vs melee/ranged
Phase - Magic attack can miss this Monster (using the same hit/miss calculation as for Melee and Ranged attacks)
Backfire - If an enemy misses this Monster with an attack, the attacker takes 2 damage

Pos 2 Monster: Djinn Renova
Strengthen - All friendly Monsters have increased Health
Triage - Heals the friendly back-line Monster that has taken the most damage
Heal is max health divided by 3, rounded down. Minimum is 2.
Headwinds - Reduces the Ranged attack of all enemy Monsters.
-1 to ranged attack, it cannot be less than 1

Pos 3 Monster: Adelade Brightwing
Flying - Has an increased chance of evading Melee or Ranged attacks from Monsters who do not have the Flying ability +25% chance of evading.
Repair - Restores some armor to the friendly Monster whose armor has taken the most damage
Resurrect - When a friendly Monster dies it is brought back to life with 1 Health. This ability can only trigger once per battle
Immunity - This monster is immune to negative status effects
Swiftness - It gives all friendly Monsters +1 increased Speed.

Pos 4 Monster: Spirit Hoarder
Triage - Heals the friendly back-line Monster that has taken the most damage
Heal is max health divided by 3, rounded down. Minimum is 2.
Dispel - When this monster hit an enemy, it clears all positive status effects on that enemy
Blind - All enemy Melee & Ranged attacks have an increased +15% chance of missing their target.

Pos 5 Monster: Gem Meteor
Scattershot - This monster's attacks hit a random enemy target
Piercing - If Melee or Ranged attack damage is in excess of the target's Armor, the remainder will damage the target's Health

Pos 6 Monster: Scavo Hireling
Repair - Restores some armor to the friendly Monster whose armor has taken the most damage
Camouflage - This Monster cannot be targeted for attacks unless it's in the first position
Slow - Reduces the Speed of all enemy Monsters

Now that Rebellion edition is here, do you think there's a stronger line up in this Game Modification? Comment down below.
You may also watch battle here.

Hope you learned something from my game and how I came up with this lineup.
What would you have done differently given the same ruleset, mana cap and active elements? Let us know by dropping a comment.

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