Hola amigos de la comunidad #Family&Friends. Hoy mi compañero y yo nos despedíamos de dos amigos que regresaban a su país Venezuela, después de pasar 6 años viviendo aquí en Colombia. Vivieron muchos momentos de aprendizaje y cariño, pero era claro que extrañaban a sus familias y el calor de su país. Pasamos una tarde agradable, y hablamos de todo un poco, algunos hobbies, otras de comida y de la nostalgia que tenemos todos los que somos venezolanos y las ganas de volver y no poder.
Hello friends of the #Family&Friends community. Today my partner and I were saying goodbye to two friends who were returning to their country Venezuela, after spending 6 years living here in Colombia. They lived many moments of learning and affection, but it was clear that they missed their families and the warmth of their country. We spent a pleasant afternoon, and talked about everything, some hobbies, others about food and the nostalgia that all of us who are Venezuelan have and the desire to return and not being able to.
Es difícil ser inmigrante pero lo bonito es que maduramos, aprendemos a ser más responsables y nos llevamos tantas cosas nuevas. Para compartir la conversación hicimos unas hamburguesas de carne. Por suerte no acabamos llorando, pero felices por su viaje y les deseamos lo mejor, seguro que nos volveremos a ver. (mi amiga que estaba haciendo fotos para el recuerdo :D)
It is difficult to be an immigrant but the nice thing is that we mature, we learn to be more responsible and we take so many new things with us. To share the conversation we made some meat burgers. Luckily we did not end up crying, but happy for their trip and we wish them the best, sure we will see each other again. (my friend who was taking pictures for the memory :D)
Gracias por leer.
Thanks for reading.❤
Camera: iphone 12