CareAss Life Guru

man, wanderer, lover, vegetarian, multimedia artist, street performer, gardener, photographer, joker, smoker, naturalist,... everything & nothing

Joined in 12, 2017
· 4 days ago

Private / Secret / Making OfFeedingI was fortunate to witness the unofficial or non-representing moments of the model or the photoshoot, more casual, intimate & natural ones. Some of those were the moments of feeding. These moments are indeed very private, intimate & unique for each individual. Each of us has its own tiny secret rituals of feeding. So does Sara. She really, really likes to eat, probably as most of us. Sometimes she eats too much, probably also as most of us. But with the age and being in many different philosophical-spiritual schools, while exploring & watching my body functions, I realized that we definitely don't need so much food which is constantly being available in the rich countries around the world. There is such an abundance in the world that we surely are producing much more food than we actually need. There is such a waste of energy in producing all this food but it is good to have reserves in case of bad years or some kind of catastrophes. And than there is another waste of energy & time while preparing the food, eating it & digesting it. In some of the schools where I've been studying, I learnt that only 1 high quality meal per day can be sufficient for me to do many different activities all the day long. Another school claims that one should eat only the quantity of food that can fit one's both open palms connected together. I have tried both methods & also fasting for 24 or 36 or 48 or a bit more hours and it had such a profound effect upon my body & mind, cleansing me & making my thoughts more peaceful & my thinking brighter & clearer. Even in Bible was written something like: moderation in eating and drinking - and this is referring to all physical activities including sex or sports or anything what we do with our body.
