Splinterlands — Brawl Report


Back posting after a LONG spell away
While I have taken a long break from posting, I have still been getting my daily battles in, and of course battling away with the Calzones each Brawl. One big change in this time however is I've switched from the Modern Silver fray to the Bronze gold foil fray. To say that the brawling has been different since switching to GF is an understatement. The cards available to me and strategies are wildly different. Here are a few examples from the latest Brawl.

Throw out everything I own 🤷‍♂

Battle Link and Highlights
Pre-Battle Screen Shot
| |-|-| |[Thaddius v Kelya](|
Unfortunately sometimes limiting rulesets can hamper my battle plans. My GF collection is much smaller than my overall collection and by limiting rule sets and/or summoners I am sometimes left with few options. Clearly this is not an ideal play with a 39 mana cap, but I didn't have many other good options with the magic only ruleset. I was hoping Bloodlust would help make up for some short comings, and maybe my opponent would also have some limitations, but it ended up be a laughable defeat 🤣

Sometimes the rules work in my collections favor

Battle Link and Highlights
Pre-Battle Screen Shot
| |-|-| |[Thaddius v Obsidian](|
I was hoping my opponent would opt to go melee heavy with magic reflection, but as insurance I choose to use Thaddius to debuff an Obsidian opponent. It worked out well and Demoralize helped debuff my opponent's entire team.

Use what SPL gives you

Battle Link and Highlights
Pre-Battle Screen Shot
| |-|-| |[Helios v Helios](|
Thankfully by playing the game for two years now I've been able to collect a few GF rewards cards and I haven't had to invest too heavily into my own GF collection. A well placed Helios and Gladius card helped win the day here.
🎉 3—2. A winning record in the GF fray is always a reason to celebrate 🎉
I was worried stepping into the GF fray that I would become a drag on the guild, but after a few weeks of getting used to the flow I feel like I am at least able to put up some points for the guild each Brawl. I've made a few upgrades to my summoners, making sure I have a GF version of each Chaos summoner. I have a few cards still on my wish list, but so far I have been able to perform decently without having to rent extra cards each Brawl. Here's to hoping that keeps up!

The Calzones are Looking for Recruits!

Come check us out on the PIZZA Discord if you are interested.

Other Pizza Guild Brawl Reports

🍕🍕🍕 What is PIZZA? 🍕🍕🍕

As with most activities connected to Hive, and the crypto world in general, I discovered PIZZA because of Splinterlands. Also like most Hive connected activities I discovered a world of possibilities beyond what I expected. So what exactly is PIZZA?
1️⃣ PIZZA is a trade-able token that can be staked for rewards and tipping, used to purchase games or traded for other tokens.
2️⃣ PIZZA is also an active Discord community for gamers and creatives. (I personally frequent the foodies-lounge, splinterlands and rising-star channels)
What are you waiting for, come check out the PIZZA Discord and join in the fun 🎉


[🐲 Splinterlands 🐲](https://splinterlands.com/?ref=candnpg)

Thumbnail created by me at Canva

Thanks for reading!

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