Splinterlands, Running, Cooking
Back posting after a LONG spell awayWhile I have taken a long break from posting, I have still been getting my daily battles in, and of course battling away with the Calzones each Brawl. One big change in this time however is I've switched from the Modern Silver fray to the Bronze gold foil fray. To say that the brawling has been different since switching to GF is an understatement. The cards available to me and strategies are wildly different. Here are a few examples from the latest Brawl.
Back after my longest dry spellJune was a crazy month at work for me and while I was able to get my Brawls and dailies in, I didn't have time to create posts. It feels good to have the time to get back in front of the computer and share a Brawl report and other SPL thoughts with all the changes that have happened...
The great burning is not just for Whales!There are actually three parts to the anniversary giveaways. All three parts start by burning DEC or DEC-B. A) Be one of the top 200 burners during he event and win yourself a shiny new title. The top ten win escalating plots of land with the highest burner taking home an entire tract.
Opportunity is a good chance to use those melee monsters that can't usually attack from behind the tank. Bloodlust can be extra powerful as the weaker monsters are picked off first which could allow the buffs to compound.
Keeping the momentum rolling!I have been riding a hot winning streak and went into this Brawl feeling the pressure to keep performing. I was worried pre-brawl as I noticed there were some high ranking guilds we were going up against.
Keeping the momentum rolling!I've had a few good Brawls lately and I was feeling the pressure to keep performing well. Brawls are tough with the possibility of banned cards, Gladius cards, home arena advantages and the pressure to help the team. Could I keep my streak of wins going?