Soros, Big Macs & Princess Ivanka

What Dis mean bro?
Was The Prime Minister Of Israel Netanyahu's Son just stoned & felt like screwing around on his Facebook last year?

literally eating Israel's shit

So Trump Had A Smorgasbord Spread of Big Macs?

Oh well, at least he showed photos of the actual Hamburgers.

Unlike OBAMA's Midnight Order of $65,000 worth of "Pizza & Hotdogs" to be FLOWN into the Whitehouse.

Yah, Pizza & Hotdogs. PIZZAGATE, PEDOGATE.

Did you hear, Princess Ivanka is Being CONSIDERED for the Next Head of the World Bank?

Yah, some News Rag Actually Printed That.
Imagine That Princess Ivanka, As the Numero Uno Figure Head at The World bank. Still Trump cares about America & is a Nationalist?
The thing is , I've seen women in real life with brow ridges, with really wide shoulders, really narrow hips, big man hands. I've never seen a woman in real life that I can recall with these LONG NECKS, like I see on Ivanka & Some Hollywood actresses & Photo Models.
I have these long necks on Trannies.
I am not saying Ivanka is a tranny. BUT since almost everything else I thought I knew, Turned out to be a lie, I do not RULE IT OUT.
And what I really note in this photo which I presume is photoshopped to show Ivanka's Tit hanging out- is the MODEL NEXT TO HER. DID they photoshop that Chick's ADONIS BELT too? Flashback for those who may not know- Princess IVANKA as a teen wanted to be a RUNWAY Model- so Daddy Made it happen.
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