Apparently Homo didn't get message, which was sent here-
And since homo is a RETARD, thought this was for him & misconstrued it entirely. Sorry homo, retard, fucked in the head- that was not for you.
Needless to say the questions asked there, went completely over fagola's head. As per usual.
Yo Fagola, Trolls know when they be trollin. Besides I was Never so popular as when The Flagging Was In Full Force. Isn't that when you 1st tried to be my friend, huh fagola? Like the Flagging ever bothered me. I stated many times, I wasn't on Steemit for the steem or the upvotes, dipshit.
Cheap Tightwad That This Troll Be, I was trying to hang around till the account wallet powered down completely- but for some strange reason I'm only getting like $10 powered down every 6 days. So I kept It Up, The Posts that is.
But really I must be off to greener pastures, so I think I'll just delete the password to this account. But will leave the posts & artwork up as this Dead Trolls Tribute to all The Steemit Fags & Fag Hags. Especially to you Mr. Butt hurt Bernie,
@berniesander the Swollen Ass Pirate.


@berniesamders - Another Video Bernie Has Public Diarrhea poops his pants -
@berniesanders Alien Anal Probes -
@berniesanders Nutcracker -
@ berniesanders Mr. Butt Plug & his auto vote bots -
@ berniesanders & his Caligula Anal Ramming Sessions -
@berniesanders Wants His Cash Cow Back -
@berniesanders Wears Diapers Video -
@berniesanders is with the INSIDE Crew of Founders & NED -
@berniesanders Male Beta Cucks & Bestiality
Steemit Platform used for Money Laundering -
Steem Stem Manager a Pedo -
@bloom &
@bloom ARE THE SAME -
@bloom is not a School Girl- the account is an INSIDE ACCOUNT by one of NED's Trannies- a Tranny who is a MAN that calls himself a woman, even though he does not take female hormones, does not have breast implants, does not have bottom half surgery- is just a grown adult man in a wig & lipstick & a 3 day beard. That's the was Ned likes it. ( I suspect this is one of Ned's Deep State's Cousins.)