My experience with Splinterlands survival format Gameplay

Hello Splinter nerds
The season ends today and I can say it is one of the best seasons I have ever experienced on Splinterlands and this is because of the new format introduced...
The survival gameplay is not for the weak and those without cards because any defeat will put your cards on cooldown for days and if you are the kind that only keeps the card you use, this will affect you greatly.
I started to play the survival mode 5 days ago but I didn't put as much effort because I was still testing it until 3 days ago, I have already used the other two days to rank higher, low ratings, especially below 200 do not give any good rewards, I started earning 1 sps when I got to 200 ratings and it only increases from there forward.
I earned 4000 plus that day, the highest I have ever earned from rank in a few hours of gameplay, I lost some of my cards but still had enough to play the next day.
The next day was slightly better and if only I had known that it would be the clash of the Titans on the last day, I would have played more!.
In the same way, I was planning to risk all my cards on the last day of the season, other players also had the same intention so it was messy, it was harder to win and the sps reward pool was drained so it was not as much as I was earning in the last two days before Eos but still I was able to earn another 3500 Sps to end the season.
It would not always be like this, once the revival potion is available, then the whole cards won't reset anymore when the season ends which will make players decide on the format they want to play.
I still think Survival mode is worth it though, earning 15k in 3 days by playing rank battles. The worst that can happen is to rest for another 5 days for your card cooldown to be lifted and then loot for another 3 good days.
**My Tactics For playing Survival**
I know there are still some little changes coming into survival, but for now, my tactic is to keep using the untamed editions in the emp account to play it while I use the reb and chaos on modern. I can't let the survival mode affect other game plays especially tournaments and brawls.
Once my untamed legendary summoners are on cool down, I will wait 2 days for it to be lifted and resume playing again, I believe I can balance my gameplay in all the formats without one affecting the other.
Survival is fun and only the strongest shall win!
if you want to be a part of this week's Splinterlands community engagement challenge, you can join from here
All pictures are gotten from Splinterlands lore and game
Just call me Burl.
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