I did not build this. I am not to thank.


First off, this may come off as rambling, but I'm compelled to speak this

I used to think that I did a lot of cool things. I used to tell people I had delusional confidence that I can make anything happen. Lately, I've found this to not be true. I've done nothing. All good that has been done through me has been the hand of God guiding me.
I used to tell people, "Yeah, look what I've done. Look what I did. Look at all the good and help I'm providing." Not anymore. I truly feel that all the good that has been done through me isn't me at all. All the blessings I've had in my life and all the cool things that have happened are because the Lord blesses me.
Some of you may end up hating me for this after you read it, but I truly believe this is not to glorify me. Instead, this is being written on-chain to let everyone know the glory belongs to God. All the good I do in my life is to bring glory to God and it's through his guidance and blessings that it's able to happen.
God has been speaking to me a lot lately. Like, directly speaking to me. He has opened my eyes to the truth. For far too long I've been living in pride. Feeling that I control everything in my life. That's not true. I know that now. I know that God is allowing all this to happen and is continuously blessing me. I no longer believe that I've done anything. It's all been the hand of God working through me. Even if I wasn't walking directly with him. He never turned away from me. He's always been right there guiding me even when I selfishly thought that it was all me.
I give up on thinking I control anything. I believe and trust in God to continue to guide me and to bless WOO. I am not the one to be praised. I am not the one to be glorified. It's not me. It's all for our Lord Jesus Christ.
God, continue to bless me. Continue to bless WOO. Watch over me and continue to guide me to do right, so that I can bring glory to the Father. Lead me away from the pleasures of the flesh and fill my soul with the light of goodness and care. May I continue to bring glory to your name. Thank you for all you have done in my life. I'm sorry that I turned from you and took the praise for myself, when it rightly belonged to you. Thank you for never turning away from me, and may I continue to bring glory to God. In Jesus name. Amen.
I just felt compelled to put this on-chain.