Hola amigos, feliz dĂa! Espero que se encuentren bien y que hayan tenido un lindo dĂa. Les cuento que hoy despuĂ©s de salir de la U tenĂa algunas diligencias por hacer en el centro comercial cercano al instituto, pero lo que no me esperaba era que me iba a encontrar con mi amiga Mafe la cual al parecer tambiĂ©n estaba haciendo diligencias en dicho lugar.
Lo más gracioso es que dĂas antes ya habĂamos tenido una salida bastante divertida pero como estar con los amigos nunca es tiempo perdido, para pasar el rato y hablar un poco decidimos llegar al mcdonald's donde nos encontramos con que habĂa una promociĂłn y es que por una compra de un Mc'combo te obsequiaban un Mc'flurry de piaza, asĂ que decidimos comprar dos de estos y disfrutarlos mientras nos ponĂamos aĂşn más al dĂa.
Al final, resulta que no nos hicieron el obsequio del helado debido a que habĂa que hacer la compra por medio de la app, pero como no nos querĂamos quedar con las ganas, decidimos comprar unos conos que estaban sĂşper ricos. Luego de esto, terminamos de hacer nuestras diligencias y nos devolvimos juntas a casa, pasamos un rato inesperado pero lindo y especial, me alegra que la amistad todavĂa siga intacta. Si más, espero que ustedes hayan tenido un lindo dĂa tambiĂ©n amigos, nos leemos en una prĂłxima. Un abrazo ❤️
Hello friends, happy day! I hope you are feeling well and that you had a nice day. I tell you that today after leaving the U I had some errands to do at the mall near the institute, but what I didn't expect was that I was going to meet my friend Mafe who apparently was also running errands in that place.
The funny thing is that days before we had already had a pretty fun outing but as being with friends is never wasted time, to hang out and talk a little we decided to get to McDonald's where we found that there was a promotion and that is that for a purchase of a Mc'combo you get a free Mc'flurry of piaza, so we decided to buy two of these and enjoy them while we got even more up to date.
In the end, it turns out that they did not give us the ice cream gift because we had to make the purchase through the app, but as we did not want to stay with the desire, we decided to buy some cones that were super rich. After this, we finished doing our errands and went back home together, we had an unexpected but nice and special time, I'm glad that the friendship is still intact. If more, I hope you had a nice day too friends, see you in the next one. A hug ❤️
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