A Timeless Truth......presented by Bleujay


A Timeless Truth/Principle; ...'Patience is the companion of Wisdom.'

...original photography by Bleujay...
'Seaside Skies'

Greetings Dear Readers;

Hope you are well.
Here's a Principle that seems rather straight forward....that is until we have a look at the words themselves. Principle;...'Patience is the companion of Wisdom.'
Let's have a look at the word 'Patience'.
Dictionary definition...Patience;..state, power, fact of being patient, forbearance.....We should look at 'Patient' as well....Patient; Bearing or enduring pains, trials, or the like without complaint or with equanimity. 2.Expectant with calmness or without discontent, also undisturbed by obstacles, delays, failures, etc.; persevering .
Let's have a look at 'Wisdom' as well.
Dictionary definition: Wisdom;...Quality of being wise...ability to judge soundly and deal sagaciously with facts, esp. as they relate to life and conduct; discernment and judgment; discretion; sagacity.
When having a look at definitions ...look for synonyms and antonyms of those words to give better understanding of the words. These definitions supplied synonyms and antonyms with the word as some do. For 'Patient'...the synonym was 'Long-Suffering and the antonyms 'Impatient, 'Rash' . For Wisdom...the synonym was 'Sense' and the antonym was 'Folly'.
Where there is Wisdom there is Patience.
For an illustration of the Principle...how about one of the characters from 'Star Wars' film series....'Yoda' himself. Both Wise and Patient indeed.
Let's give this Principle a think.....shall we.
Thank you for dropping by. ^__^
Kind Regards,

Principles are timeless truths, proverbs and maxims that assist in giving us guidelines by which to navigate through life.

All for our ponderence.
....original still-life photography by Bleujay....
'Breaking Free'
Information regarding the 'Icing'...(photographs)....
Photography of the seaside and of the still-life arrangement by Bleujay with an iPad Pro. All editing completed on the iPad Pro's photo editing feature.
The dictionary that supplied these definitions...'A Dictionary of The English Language'. Bleujay's recommendation for dictionaries...is to obtain the oldest dictionary available in physical form...at least 100 years old. ^__^
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