A Timeless Truth....presented by Bleujay


Timeless Truth:...'Man is never satisfied.'...

...original photography by Bleujay...
'Strawberries at Tea'

Greetings Dear Readers;

Hope you are well.
Today's Timeless Truth, Principle: ... 'Man is never satisfied.'
'Man' as in mankind....includes the ladies. ^__^
This principle always gives me pause.
The very thought that a person is really never quite satisfied....that there is the desire for something more. Perhaps we have forgotten we are human after all...we are not perfect, yet we seek perfection ...a thought which opens the door ...wide open...to many thoughts.
The Bible has this to say regarding this human dilemma...'Be content with such things as you have.' Hebrews 13.5 How does one accomplish this 'Contentment'? ... through a relationship with God the Father, who is perfect. Quoting Jesus Christ...'I am the way, the truth and the life, no man cometh unto the Father but by Me.' John 14.6 It is faith alone in Christ alone for eternal life.
Let's give this Principle a think.
Thank you for dropping by. ^__^
Kind Regards,
Principles are timeless truths, proverbs, and maxims that assist in giving us guidelines by which to navigate through life.
All for our ponderence.

....Original Watercolour legend by Bleujay...

'Testing Reds'
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