The First Cut Is The Deepest

Image by @bitterirony using DAL•E
Due to potentially hazardous driving conditions resulting from an approaching winter storm, I decided it was more prudent NOT to return for Day 2 of the Winter Chill tournament and adjusted my strategy accordingly. Nailed it!
But I did have a lot of fun and met a lot of great people. I particularly enjoyed my 1st table where I was seated between two guys from Massachusetts who spent at least 10 minutes discussing the best route to get to the tournament venue from their respective homes in Worcester and Manchester: “Oh Gahd no, that’ll take you way too fah noath. You gotta take the Pike to the 395 and then the 2!” 😂
The gentleman from Worcester was a retired fireman and introduced me to just about everyone in the room and then told me how well (or not) they played poker. It felt like being the plus one at a family reunion.
Needless to say, I can’t wait for the snow to get plowed so I can try again at one of the weekly tournaments and meet some new poker friends.
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