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Every month everyone seems to be focused on a CPI (Consumer Price Index) and while this does tell us a bit about the economy it's a very pinpoint finite look into the massive beast of the economy which has now spread to the likes of crypto as well.
As part of a revamp I'm doing in my own portfolio I figured I would also blog about it. This is mainly because Hive/InLeo have been a wealth of information and there's a lot of truly smart people on the platform that have helped me when I was first starting with DeFi and also within new projects and programs.
Crypto has really shaken up the world in which we live. Things have become more digital than ever, payments are faster and cheaper across the board even in the fiat world and the speed of how the world trades with each other has also had a massive change.
Ah September is here and honestly I sit here wondering at the moment where the heck the last week has gone. I've been trying to be better at making time management and memories of doing new things each week a constant thing so that life doesn't pass by in a blur but that's a current struggle for sure.
There's been a good deal of things happening with Ethereum this year. It starts to beg the question of some of these layer 2 tokens are really worth it anymore?Layer twos mainly got their value back in the day when Ethereum was a proof of work system and fees were crazy high. They were born out of people wanting options outside of paying $50+ fees.
There was once a time when you could go work normal hours (roughly 40 hours a week) and have everything you needed and wanted to provide for a large family. However these days in most cases people are finding themselves working two jobs. But that's now even changed!