Hello creative friends
A beautiful and lovely day to you all out there and in this community, I hope you are all doing great, I'm here to share with you today the cutting and sewing process of a phone pouch with pencil case/ wallet for my niece.
Making something different and useful with fabrics has been what I love to do to bring out my creativity and this has really helped me to do even what I thought I wouldn't be able to do, most of these things I made with fabrics are from scraps and pieces of left over fabrics that before now, I usually throw them away but now, I find it more useful in creating new items for use.
This is specifically made for my niece with the front as a phone pouch with the other side has a zipper which can be used as a pencil case or wallet for safe keeping of cards or cash, I hope you'll like the beautiful outcome.
Let's get started with the cutting and sewing process
From my pieces of fabric, I cut out 5 x 8.5" and lining with interfacing ironed on the main fabric
It was folded in two and I cut through the middle of both lining and main fabric
I sew the main fabric and lining on both sides of a zipper and top stitched on it on the right side
It was placed on a plain black fabric and lining to cut out same shape.
I cut out another piece of 5 x 7" from the main fabric and lining
It was sewn together at the top and top stitched on
This was placed on the plain black fabric and sewn on it
I cut out a small piece of 3.5 x 3.5" with lining and interfacing ironed on the main fabric for the flip cover.
It was curved at the edge, sewn with the lining and turned inside out before it was top stitched on.
At the top of the plain black fabric, I placed the flip cover mid point to mid point and it was sewn together
The piece with the zipper was placed on the piece with the flip cover and both were sewn together right side facing right side with the zipper opened to the middle.
The last piece of lining was placed on the piece with the zipper and was sewn together leaving an opening where it can be turned inside out
It was turned inside out through the opening on the lining and the opening was sewn together with my hand needle and thread.
Finally, I used my hand needle and thread to fix a pressing button on the flip cover and the opposite side to secure the phone in it.
This is the final and beautiful outcome of the fabric phone pouch with pencil case/ wallet I made for my niece.
Thanks so much for your time, support, comment and encouragement. Until my next post. Do have a great day.