hi friends of the #natureobserver community, meet me again @biancamaura, this leg I will share a type of fungus that is rarely encountered
Agaricus crocopeplus is a mushroom in the Agaricus family. Many people confuse it with this coconut leaf because the mushrooms in the Agaricus genus are almost the same. Agaricus crocopeplus has quite a striking difference compared to its other relatives, the color of the lower fins of the mushroom is one of the differences because the fins of this mushroom are dark brown while the others are bright white and slightly yellowish, the surface of the umbrella/fruit body This mushroom is light orange in color and has a soft texture. The stem of this coconut leaf has soft scales that are orange in color, the same as the color on the surface of the umbrella. From these three explanations, we can differentiate this mushroom from mushrooms in its own family. This is very different, hopefully useful
***thank you for friends who have given me support and a place to share***