A place to find peace

*hello all friends!! Greetings to meet you from me @biancamaura*
Enjoying the beauty of nature is one way for me to take a break from the tiredness of life's journey, I really like visiting beaches that don't have many visitors, because I think the beach is one of the most suitable places to calm my mind, I have to look for a quiet place
At 5 pm I sat alone on the beach, I couldn't see any visitors in the area where I enjoyed this natural beauty, unfortunately the beach was a little dirty because there were no cleaning staff in the beach area. In my area, beach conditions like this are considered clean.
I sat right under a pine tree which was not far from the sea, only 10 meters away, the sun warmed my body, that wasn't a problem for me because there was still wind that wanted to cool my body temperature under this tree, I looked at the sun and took one picture
While sitting on the motorbike and looking left and right and accompanied by a glass of coffee I found extraordinary calm, I sat with my back to the pine tree plantation area, one picture was very valuable for me
It wouldn't be complete if I didn't enter the pine tree garden area. I didn't take too many pictures because my goal today was just to find peace. In less than 10 minutes I was in the pine tree area. I immediately left here because this area is close to many rivers. passed by a fishing boat, it was quite noisy, I don't like this kind of atmosphere, I immediately rushed to my motorbike to go home because it was getting dark
***thank you for friends who have given me support and a place to share***