Oh... I shouldn't really kid myself, this is not at all a definitive list of things to do in the garden... more like a few more new things that need to be done, to be added to the existing long list of things to do!
First up... my nemesis... the passionfruit vines has poked its head up again out of the soil and bark mulch... I already know that there is a network of roots down there, and despite my best efforts at removing a large chunk of it, it will be a decade long fight of slowly tracing and surgically removing whatever is left before it takes a stronghold again...
So, everytime there are little shoots poking up, it is both a curse and blessing... it means that I've not gotten everything, but it does mean that I now have a target and if I'm careful with unearthing the shoot, I can hopefully trace back more of the root network and get a large chunk out.

... and after the recent rain, I do see a few little shoots starting to climb up two of the bushes that are relatively close together, so there is a good chance that there are interlinked under the soil...

... and there is a little bit of smaller shoots just starting to poke up in the area between the two bushes, so I'm pretty hopeful that I'll be able to disrupt a significan maze of roots under all this leaf and bark litter!

Meanwhile, just checking out all the trees up on high... and starting to think that some of the closer trees probably need a bit of trim to keep the limbs from falling on the house. Low chance, but still we'll feel better if they weren't overhanging. And there is also a lot of low hanging deadwood as well... those I can deal with with the mini-chainsaw on a stick... but the limbs will be a call for the arborist!

... and out the front, the three climbing roses are no longer climbing after a nice growing summer... I'll have to trim these back a bit... and when my wife decides on exactly what sort of support that she wants hung on the wall, then I'll be tasked with drilling and fixing them against the wall... It should be easy enough, I have my hammer drill and this is only brick and not concrete... and any damage to the rendering will be hidden behind the support and the roses!
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