Musician with a Science background, I write about many things, causing collateral damage to a wide variety of topics!
Sadly, not quite as salacious as the title might suggest... more of a procrastination and avoidance thing rather than anything else! This week, we have hit the lull before the storm of concerts and travelling... and that means that the garden will be pretty neglected (more so...) over the coming month... with very few sporadic days here and there through the coming weeks.
This place was a strange find... my wife and I had a night out without the kids, they had gone to the coast with her parents, and so we were just looking for a nice place to have a dinner... nothing too fancy this time. I found this place had great reviews... and it was nearby, and it served fresh local produce grown in the onsite gardens... and had a huge variety of local brews on tap. So, I looked up the address.. and it was a place that my wife and I knew well!
Okay, this project isn't the one that is the nearest... but it is the one that requires a bit more preparation in the lead up. Biber's Mystery Sonatas require different tunings of the violin for all 15 sonatas... and at some point at the end of last year, I thought it would be a good idea to do the 5 Sorrowful sonatas for Easter... alongside the Guardian Angel sonata. And that means that I will need six different violins tuned to completely different tunings. Sure, you can probably do it with fewer... but then you need a dedicated person to tuning the instruments... and probably on a revolving conveyor belt of at least three violins.
UnsplashBah... this is one little rant from me. After living and working in Europe with some pretty nice groups around the world in my particular form of music, it really galls me a bit when I read some of the bios and CVs that get passed around in Australia.
Oh... I shouldn't really kid myself, this is not at all a definitive list of things to do in the garden... more like a few more new things that need to be done, to be added to the existing long list of things to do! First up... my nemesis... the passionfruit vines has poked its head up again out of the soil and bark mulch... I already know that there is a network of roots down there, and despite my best efforts at removing a large chunk of it, it will be a decade long fight of slowly tracing and surgically removing whatever is left before it takes a stronghold again...
TEEHEHEHEHEHEHEH.... NOOO, never too many violins! So, for a project for Easter, I will be playing a handful of the Rosary Sonatas by Biber together with my wife, interspersed with Easter readings that is a gift and a token of appreciation from us to the church and music foundation in exchange for their hosting of our concert series.