My office deskWe recently got done with moving into our apartment and things are looking good. I've had to do a lot more manual labour than I expected but we're here now.
I can't explain it but there's a gratification I get from knowing that I assembled most of the furniture in the house.
At first, I was skeptical of my ability to actually get it done, so I had to pay a decent chunk of money for handimen to get it sorted. However, when they were working, I watched them get it done and that gave me confidence to attempt.
My first attempt was assembling our two-seater dining set. All I needed for that was a screw driver and an allenkey. It was quite stressful and I made a couple of mistakes before eventually getting it done.
After assembling the dining set, I suddenly had a taste for assembling furniture and so we got couple of bedside drawers, a dresser with chair, my office table and a comfortable chair to go with it. We also got a wardrobe that I felt was too big to assemble alone, so I paid for that one to be professionally done.
Dresser and chairIt took me the most part of a day to assemble two bedside drawers, the dresser and the chair. My body was aching real bad after that, so I rested.
Bedside drawers x2First thing the next day, who h was yesterday, I started assembling my office desk which I'll say along with the dresser was the joint most difficult to assemble. After the desk, I assembled the chair which wasn't too stressful.
I'd say I spent around 12 hours on assembling furniture and I'm still feeling the strain on my back right now. I'm happy I was able to get it done and now, we wait for the person that'll come and assemble the wardrobe.
Unlike the other furniture that I assembled alone, the wardrobe has a lot of heavy parts and looks like it's a two man job. I reckon I and my wife could have attempted it if we hadn't already paid for it.