Bestie Beccss's Salty Santa Christmas Giveaway!

Hello my favourite salt shakers and cactuses! Your favourite bestie is back with another post and this time it's all about the Christmas giveaways I will be hosting for you all live on Twitch!
On Friday 22nd November from 5pm UTC we have a bunch of stuff happening all for you on Splinterlands! I will be hosting the biggest giveaways I have ever done all in the name of Christmas! There will also be 3 Splinterlands tournaments which I will go into detail in a different post.
So you're all probably thinking "Beccss, how is this your biggest giveaway ever? You always do giveaways?" Yes, you're right, I do always do giveaways, but I have never given away Alpha Beta cards before, but today (well Friday 22nd) is the day!
This year Santa will be lending me his special sack and letting me put loads of DEC/SPS and cards into it and picking random nice or naughty viewers or subscribers to get a gift!
All you have to do to win something from this bag is to be active in the stream and Nightbot will pick someone who deserves a gift! This is a great chance to get those extra cards you need for your land, or even try your luck in wild! But my dear friends... there's more!!
As this whole event is streamed on Twitch and I would be nothing without my followers and subscribers, there will also be special perks for all of you guys too.
For all of my Tier 1 subscribers, here are the prizes that can be won just for you:
  • 5x Chaos Legion packs
  • 2x Riftwatcher packs
  • 3x Rebellion common cards
  • 2x Chaos Legion summoners
This is only available to the tier 1 subs as a thank you for putting up with me all year.
To find the winners for the different prizes, my two favourite helpers will be gathering all the names and then using a death wheel to find the winners.
There will still be Guess That Splinter, where you can guess 2 splinters and bag yourself either a regular foil common or rare monster card.
The amazing Tier 2s also have a chance to bag some amazing prizes! There are:
  • 6x Chaos Legion packs
  • 1x Rebellion Pack
  • 3x Rebellion rare cards
  • 2x GF Epic Chaos Legion Cards
Again, only tier 2 subscribers can enter into this prize pool. The usual 3 guesses for Guess That Splinter will still apply and also your Tier 2+3 Spinning wheel will still take place to try to get some legendary cards, SPS, DEC and all the cards!
Now for the big dogs out there, my Tier 3's. You've seen what Tier 1 and 2 get, but what is there for you?
Tier 3s you have the best pool of them all and will probably make me broke haha! Your prizes are as followed:
= 1x Gold Foil Legendary Chaos Legion card
  • 2x Regular Foil Chaos Legion Summoners (From Rare - Legendary)
  • 2x Rebellion Epic cards
  • 3x Rebellion packs
  • 7x Chaos Legion Packs
  • An additional Tier 2+3 Spin on the wheel!
But Beccss, you said there were also prizes for the viewers but you only mentioned the subscribers? Here is what is up for grabs for the viewers as a thank you for hanging out with me yet again.
  • 2x Gold Foil Chaos Legion common cards
  • 1x Chaos Legion Pack
  • 1x Chaos Legion summoner
  • 1x Chaos Legion Gold Foil Summoner
These giveaways are open to everyone in the stream regardless if you are a subscriber or a viewer. You will still be able to play in all the games that will be happening on the day too so even more goodies to be won.
Everything will be livestreamed on Twitch so make sure you're following for all the festivities and the streams leading up to it. I am live every Friday from 8pm UTC, Sunday from Midnight UTC - 1am UTC, then at 3pm UTC on Sunday again.
Until next time my salty cactuses xo.
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