Like a paintingI've mentioned before how unimpressed I am with group shoots. Tankspace is the ultimate group shoot. Basically its a number of photographers vying for the best angle and then clicking away all at the same time, while the model "performs" in the tank.
Dive! Dive! Dive!Pretty much, as soon as the model submerges there is a rapid fire of cameras clicking. It's like a thousand crickets on speed. Apart from the very slight angle differences, most photographers go away with the same images as everyone else. And boy, do we go away with a lot of photos. Generally, on a shoot I like to stick to around 100 shots if I can (pretty much because I'm lazy and don't want 1000s of images to go through).
Coloured fabricSo why go to Tankspace, I hear you ask? Well although most photographers get the same shot in theory - some may use different settings, which can vastly change the appearance, others might take what is essentially a stop-motion movie and most of those images won't see the light of day. And in spite of having similar images, I do generally like the images I get (or have seen by others) from the studio,
Into the lightThankfully most of my friends that attended the group shoots at Tankspace edit their images differently. And this is one area in which different photographers can make their images stand out and look different. Hopefully I have achieved that on these images.
As an ending note, I have visited Tankspace twice, and overall taken almost 4000 images, so I've still got a lot to go at (sorry in advance). One of the guys on one of the shoots took over 20,000 shots, so I don't feel as if I have over shot.
About me:
I can mostly be found shooting models, aviation, motorsports and, when I can, wildlife. But I enjoy most aspects of photography. You can find more of my work on the links below.