My Road To Hivefest - Turbulence and Tech

Im having a delightful breakfast on the balcony now but things have NOT been smooth so far.
allow me to to ComPLANE:
The plane was nearly 2 hours delayed because of weather conditions I think (and/or the resulting congestion on the runway) after which we endured a turbulent journey to split which was made much more bearable by sitting next to a really nice Doctor called Lizzie who I had a good laugh with and who let me join her and her friends in a taxi to split. ~
We had a very friendly taxi driver who told us all about the history of conflicts in Croatia and recommended ćevapčići (or Chavpa) which he said looks like a 'dogshit'. I was pretty hungry so that didn't put me off the idea, but annoyingly we went past loads of delicious looking late night food outlets and he kept reassuring me that I would get food near my apartment but when I got there NOTHING was open. No food anywhere, even in the bars and I didn't have anything in my bag. So I went to bed with an empty tummy last night.
even though I was hungry and exhausted and super hot, and the apartment is a bit smoky smelling, and the ice cubes taste like garlic.... I still found myself leaping for joy at having a nice big balcony to hang out on. Things cant all be bad hey?
Oh WAIT. I bought the wrong fecking plug adapter. Holy mother of the saints.
So this morning I woke up super early because I have an online course starting at 9am and I had no idea how long it might take me to source a uk adapter. Being stupid I hadnt taken in to account the time difference so it turns out i had an extra hour to get it sorted. None of the supermarkets stocked adapters and I was beginning to think I might have to get a bus in to the centre of town, but thankfully a little electrical shop called Ital Video opened at 8 and solved my problem for only 2 euros. Phew.
Now FINALLY I could buy some breakfast and head back to my apartment to enjoy the spoils and relax in to what I hope is going to be an awesome week here in Split. Im so excited to go swim in the sea. Hopefully the storms wont be too all encompassing. Looks like a fair bit of rain this week. Oh well. Who said holidays were supposed to be nice?
The main thing is,
Im here.
Ive landed.
Split looks like a treasure trove of exciting experiences just waiting to be sampled. Bring on Hivefest!
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