Yo folks
this is a song i wrote last year when i was feeling down in the dumps
i chose it today because Ive got this chesty cough that I havn't been able to shake
and I figured the croak might add to the bluesy nature of the song
I tried to do a couple more takes but I kept getting the lyrics wrong and Im a bit low (not quite as low as can be) on vocal stamina at the moment so your stuck with the very first take!
Here it is:
Low as can be
Im so low
Low as can be
Aint nobody else as low as me
Im gonna take myself down to the waters edge
Im gonna find myself a hungry shark
Lay down there until the sky turns dark
Until these little white fishes quit swimming around my head
coz I got exposed in the clear light of day
Now Ive got to listen to what the law men say
Im gonna spend my time rotting in the county jail
Im so low
Low as can be
Aint nobody else as low as me
Im gonna take myself up to the mountain top
Im gonna find myself a rusty nail
Lay down there until the sky turns pale
Until everybody learns to stop when I say stop
Im so low
Low as can be
Aint nobody else as low as me
Im gonna take myself out to the frozen pines
Im gonna check myself in to a cheap motel
Lay down there until I feel the chill
Of a thousand icy fingers running themselves up my spine
and keep vibing x x