That time.

Time is a huge factor for us as humans because it covers all the percent of what makes us human. This is why it is openly stated that our valuable time is especially when it has to do with us. We need time to do everything in our world. That's why it is a precious gift when we decide to spend it with someone. That time... yes, that gift is something we should never take for granted because people will come and go.
I have lost a lot of people close to me and those I barely get to know. And it is never fun in the tiniest bit when we lose someone close to us. Colors drain from our faces, and our world becomes jumbled, and the only thing we are left with always turns out to be the memories we've gotten to create with them.
This is why we must endeavour to spend time with those closest to us regardless of how tough or busy life gets. I didn't watch the recent accident that happened on my street at the time it did, but I went out a few minutes after it occurred. I was on my way to get things that evening(that time) when I saw a crowd I never knew existed before.
People were dragging the guy who caused the death of the very young soul who had been rushed to the nearest hospital. It was a crazy moment, and everywhere was rowdy and bloody as I passed by. I got to see the blood of the boy on the soiled ground where the accident occurred, and it was a pitiful sight.
Apparently, the guy just brought his car and was drunk when he not just knocked down but rolled his car on the body of the body, who is now dead.
First, the driver decided to use his time to drink before driving, and the innocent boy was close to his grandma's shop where the incident occurred. Therefore, because of the way the driver had used his time, a soul was lost, and an unfortunate thing occurred more.
So, don't wait for people around you to get sick before meeting up with them. Instead, meet them when they are very healthy so you can spend time with them. No one is immune to death or knows when it'll come knocking. This is why I always take time out of my busy schedule to meet up with my close ones and create those memories with them.
Also, I know in our world, money is very valuable too, but don't take for granted the time someone intends to spend with you, which brings me to the tweet I saw a few days ago. I read a tweet that said when the man you are dating doesn't get you a gift for Valentine's Day, leave him because he doesn't value you.
The tweet was funny, and I do believe that a girl who thinks in such a way should just stay single because they don't deserve the person they are with. I am saying this because I read some replies on the tweet, and I can't help but shake my head. People now prefer money to spending time with their loved ones, and to me, that means they never loved the person in the first place.
No matter how valuable money is, time is more precious than it because it creates money and a lot more. So, if you are in a situation where someone values your money more than spending an incredible amount of time with you, well, you know what to do.
Also, while creating time to spend with others, we should try to do the same for ourselves. Spend quality time with yourself. Just you alone, with no phone. Try to relax and take a deep breath. Spend time in silence, and mostly, in nature, even if it is just a few seconds. Your body needs it, and so does your mind.

The songs shared are for #threetunestuesday by @ablaze. Have an amazing musicday.

Image-Sourceand videos used were gotten from #YouTube

Still yours truly,
Thanks for reading and listening.
Peace be unto those who crave it and more to those who chase it away.
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