Learning from Open Source projects

Open source projects are the best learning opportunity for someone. Anyone who would like to increase their skill set can explore some open-source projects and contribute to them to learn more. When working on an open-source project, they leave their comfort zone and read someone else's code. This itself gives a different learning curve. Instead of always thinking that our approach is the best, this thing helps in understanding how others are thinking and how others are coding.
There is always enough room to learn from others. Open source is one such opportunity where we can test the waters and learn a lot from that.

Overcome Overconfidence

When we usually write code, we might have a thought that we write the best code. Some people are very humble and even if they write the best code, they stay humble. But some people even if they write a very bad code, have overconfidence and think very highly of themselves. All these barriers are broken while working on open-source projects. This is the place where we can see some of the best people and learn from them. If we think very high of ourselves, there will always be someone better than us and we get the opportunity to learn from them.

Pick the right open-source project

It is very important to pick the right open-source project for our contribution. Some projects might be a big one which can drain a lot of time from us. To work on something we have to first understand the code and then only we can contribute something. If we choose a big project, it can be hard for us to follow the code and we might even get bored and think that open source projects are not for us and it can be a bad idea.
Projects with a good community and good leaders are always a good start. If the leaders are approachable and if they are ready to help when we have questions, we will also be able to progress very well. If we are stuck and there is nobody to help, then it may not be a great place to learn unless we use that code in one of our projects.

Don't learn everything stay focused

Sometimes when we start working on a project, it is easy to get carried away and learn many things. This may not be a good thing. The reason is that we might lose focus if we start learning multiple things. If we are working on a particular piece of code, it is good to choose something specific and work on that part alone. When we set a milestone for us and if we hit that milestone, there will be motivation for us to continue working on the project.

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