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Joined in 10, 2021
· 2 days ago

Hello everyoneThis afternoon, I planned to visit the "Great Shot Bar," a bar and café located within the Foto Hotel. Despite its proximity—only 12 kilometers away on Koh Siray—I had never ventured to the sea zone on the Siray Island side. The journey required navigating a narrow alley, and without a map, finding the way would be nearly impossible.The "Great Shot Bar" was renowned for its vibrant red tones and stunning sea views. I discovered this gem on TikTok, the go-to app for most Thais these days, especially for uncovering trendy spots and hidden treasures.As I set out on my adventure, the anticipation built with each kilometer. I wound through the small alleyways, the twists and turns adding an element of mystery to my journey. The air grew saltier and fresher, a clear sign I was nearing the coast.When I finally arrived, the sight took my breath away. The Foto Hotel, home to the "Great Shot Bar," welcomed me with its chic, gray-toned exterior. Even if you weren't staying at the hotel, you could still enjoy a meal or drink at the bar. This inclusivity added to the allure of the place, making it accessible to locals and travelers alike.The hotel itself was a haven for photography enthusiasts. Its décor featured chic corners and numerous angles perfect for capturing the moment. The check-in counter area was particularly eye-catching, adorned with black-and-white pictures and vintage cameras. A black-and-white checked teddy bear, the hotel's signature mascot, added a touch of whimsy to the sophisticated setting.![IMG_20240724_150015.jpg](

· 4 days ago

Hello everyoeAfternoons are my sanctuary, a precious window of time to unwind from the morning rush and savor moments of peace. On this particular day, after finishing up my work tasks, I settled onto my favorite chair, scrolling through my TikTok feed for a bit of relaxation. Amidst the dance trends and cooking hacks, a video caught my eye: a newly opened dessert cafe that promised a delightful experience. Intrigued, I noted its location – conveniently situated near Phuket Old Town, not far from my usual route to pick up my son from school.The promise of delectable desserts and the charm of a new discovery were irresistible. I decided to make a quick stop before my parental duties called. The drive to Phuket Old Town was familiar, but today it felt charged with anticipation. The streets, lined with colorful Sino-Portuguese buildings, seemed to welcome me into a different world.After parking the car, I began my search for the newly opened dessert cafe. As I walked along the charming streets of Phuket Old Town, my attention was drawn to a shop adorned in pink and white tones. The exterior was inviting, with a clear glass front that offered a glimpse of the interior's delightful ambiance.Curious, I peered through the glass and saw a cozy, well-lit space filled with comfortable seating and beautifully arranged desserts. The decor was whimsical, with pastel colors creating a dreamy atmosphere. Deciding this was the place, I pushed open the door and was greeted by the warm aroma of freshly baked pastries and the soft hum of friendly chatter.*The cafe's interior was a charming blend of white and pink tones, accented with touches of yellow that added a cheerful warmth to the space.

· 6 days ago

Hello everyoneToday, in the late morning, after a thorough cleaning of my house, I decided to treat myself to a breakfast outing. My destination was Booktree Library & Café, a quaint spot near my home that I had discovered a month ago. Initially, I had stumbled upon it with no particular expectations, simply intrigued by the photos on various web pages that suggested it was just another ordinary book café.But oh, how wrong I was. From the moment I stepped inside, I was instantly captivated. The café wasn’t merely a place to grab a coffee and a quick read. It was a bibliophile’s paradise, an oasis of literature where countless books of all genres were arranged meticulously on beautiful bookshelves that stretched toward the ceiling. The sight was nothing short of spectacular.Every corner of Booktree Library & Café was a feast for the eyes, designed with an aesthetic that would make any content creator’s heart flutter. Cozy reading nooks with plush chairs invited you to lose yourself in a novel, while artistic decorations added a charming touch to the entire space. It was a haven for book lovers and the perfect backdrop for those who, like me, love capturing moments to share on social media.*After placing my order, I found myself unable to resist the urge to explore and take photos, even though I had already taken many during my previous visit. The café's charm was irresistible, and I was eager to capture the serene morning atmosphere. The early hour was a strategic choice; the café was still relatively empty,
