A couple of years ago I wrote
this post on what I do after a bad day. It is safe to say there's nothing special about the post, but then today my mind went back to it for two reasons.
The first reason is that today was (at least according to the definition of the post) a bad day. Started too slowly, couldn't tick off the majority of the boxes, lost a reasonable amount of money, got exhausted way too quickly, accidentally cut myself with a knife while trying to cut something, and then a couple of tiny inconveniences sprinkled here and there. All the spiciest ingredients for a bad day. But somehow none of this seems to have fazed me. I remember myself a few years ago, and I'd be so down and maybe even sad at the events of today. But today I am different. Rather than focus on my losses I decided instinctively that it was better to focus on the things I have gained which are, Knowledge, and experience, and this made me happy.
Then the second reason which in a way relates to the first was that I wanted to see what I said I often did after a "bad day." Upon finding out the answer, I was impressed with my past self. Back then it was to simply relax, rest, and recuperate. Dream of the future too.
While all of that is amazing, it didn't speak to me today. Today, I didn't even think too much about how the day went. Just took a nap and when I woke up I felt refreshed. Then I continued with some of the things I needed to do that I could still do. Afterwards, I found myself going down memory lane. I don't know how to explain it, but I am really grateful for the way things have gone these last few years and taking a moment to reflect made me appreciate it more. It also made me take a step back and look at the big picture. In the grand scheme of things, today Is but a speck, but it is a cog in the wheel that leads to the greatness I strive to achieve.