Splinterlands Validator Node: azircon


Splinterlands Validator Node: azircon

Damn it! Everyone else is doing it. Why not?
Also everyone needs a boogeyman! Kidding!
Okay, Okay! Everyone needs an enforcer! Yes? Kidding again!
Alright! You want someone to blame! That's me! Damn! Kidding again!

No Really

Is there something that I do for the splinterlands community? Trust me, I have asked this question to myself many times. To me, if I can't answer that question to myself, I shouldn't be here. Also Splinterlands is part of hive, it is Powered by Hive. Do you know who suggested to put that in our landing page? Yep. It was me. :) So, what else do I do?
  • My goal is to intergrate Splinterlands community to hive, so that they are one and the same
  • I am your lobbyist, I know it is a hated position, and no one appointed me, but you need it
  • I have helped in funding numerous DAO proposals
  • I help built symbiotic relationship between communities, and I do it for free
  • I have successfully help fund the Splinterlands DHF proposal (with lordbutterfly)
  • I am a SPS treasurer and always available at discord
  • I am the largest hive stakeholder within Splinterlands community, you know how important stake is here
  • I am currently the 6th largest SPS stakeholder, and I hold equivalent amount of SL assets, which are NOT for sale
  • I am a Splinterlands curator, where I influence how a fair and ethical curation should be performed
  • I have spent countless hours teaching numerous individuals about hive and how to make a successful blog, one person at a time
  • I have good connection with all Splinterlands team members, they are my friends
If you know me, you should already know all these, however, it is humbling to list them right here. I also get a significant amount of hate, because some of my actions which are always ethical, but can be detrimental to an individual's personal gain. I always think about the community ahead of an individual and will continue to do so. It is better that the hate is directed at me as opposed to you, so feel free to use me as a shield if you need. No wonder my guild is called Shield of Glory!


My friend @reazuliqbal, who I know for many years, and consider my younger brother, helped me set up my validator node. He is a developer for Hive-Engine and designed Tribaldex virtually all by himself. He offered me his services to help babysit my node and I said, yes please!

Closing thoughts

I want this project to succeed. That is all that I want. I am not here for any financial gain. If the community as a whole succeed, I will be awared my fair share of dividends, and that is why I am here. So if you think your thoughts are aligned with mine, please feel free to vote my node here where you can see/search for my name azircon.
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