A Day in BuranoAs you probably know I am spending the week in Venice with the family on spring break. We are having an amazing time in this exciting ancient city. I have never been to Venice before, but looks like it had been a populat destination for many people at hive (no kidding!). I was checking Worldmappin, which is already heavily pinned in Europe, but man, Venice, has 209 pins. Even the island of Burano, the content of this post, has 28 pins! My point of stating all these, that it is unlikely for me to write anything unique about Venice. I was checking travel writer @gabrielatravels (she has 452 worldmappin posts by the way!); she alone has 10 posts on Venice, 2 on Murano, and 8 on Burano! By the way, Murano and Burano are two common day trips from Venice, and they are two islands in the Venetian Lagoon. Anyways, with all this stats the bar is set very high to write anything even remotely meaningful about Burano. That said, I will state my standard phrase again, I typically write for myself as this is my journal, so I am sure I am going to be doing a good job on that!